Open-AudIT and Nmap

Open-AudIT and Nmap


Open-AudIT uses Nmap in its Discovery function. Without Nmap, Open-AudIT will not function correctly. Every Open-AudIT install assumes Nmap is installed and will test for it on the Discovery web pages.



The Linux Open-AudIT installer will test for and if required, install Open-AudIT's dependencies from your distributions repository. After installing you should run the below to SetUID. This is required for SNMP (UDP 161) detection. This is supported on RedHat/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu. If you need to manually install Nmap:

For RedHat/CentOS do (NOTE - if you upgrade using yum, you will need to reapply this "chmod" setting).

sudo yum install nmap
sudo chmod u+s `which nmap`

For Debian/Ubuntu run (including setting dpkg to remember your override so an apt-get upgrade will not break Open-AudIT).

sudo apt-get install nmap
sudo chmod u+s `which nmap`
sudo dpkg-statoverride --list `which nmap`




The Windows Open-AudIT installer will test for the presence of Nmap in it's standard install locations of:

C:\Program Files\Nmap\nmap.exe

C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap\nmap.exe

If the binary is not found in either of these location, a warning message will be displayed in the installer.


To install Nmap on Widows, visit the Nmap page at https://nmap.org/download.html and download the Latest Release self-installer. You may need to scroll down the page to find it.


Save and run the file. Make sure you run the file as an Administrator in order to install it (right click, Run as Administrator).


Use the standard install options when displayed and click the "I Agree", "Next" and "Install" buttons to install Nmap. 

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