Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents









Logon as above, then.





Logon as above, then request list of devices (or any available endpoint) so we can use the meta → access_token in our request (see above response).




        "access_token": "bcb3f959c14f0daf959e3de92e4213201a56bc205e31b63f35c3f9299670",
      "type": "discoveries",
            "description": "Subnet -",
            "match_options": "{\"match_dbus\":\"\",\"match_dns_fqdn\":\"\",\"match_dns_hostname\":\"\",\"match_fqdn\":\"\",\"match_hostname\":\"\",\"match_hostname_dbus\":\"\",\"match_hostname_serial\":\"\",\"match_hostname_uuid\":\"\",\"match_ip\":\"\",\"match_ip_no_data\":\"\",\"match_mac\":\"\",\"match_mac_vmware\":\"\",\"match_serial\":\"\",\"match_serial_type\":\"\",\"match_sysname\":\"\",\"match_sysname_serial\":\"\",\"match_uuid\":\"\"}",
            "name": "My Testing Discovery",
            "org_id": 1,
            "scan_options": "{\"exclude_ip\":\"\",\"exclude_tcp_ports\":\"\",\"exclude_udp_ports\":\"\",\"filtered\":\"\",\"id\":\"1\",\"nmap_tcp_ports\":\"\",\"nmap_udp_ports\":\"\",\"open|filtered\":\"\",\"ping\":\"\",\"service_version\":\"\",\"ssh_ports\":\"\",\"tcp_ports\":\"\",\"timeout\":\"\",\"timing\":\"\",\"udp_ports\":\"\",\"script_timeout\":\"\",\"snmp_timeout\":\"\",\"ssh_timeout\":\"\",\"wmi_timeout\":\"\"}",
          "subnet": "",
            "type": "subnet"


Code Block
                "ad_domain": "",
                "ad_server": "",
                "cloud_id": 1,
                "cloud_name": "",
                "command_options": "",
                "description": "Subnet -",
                "devices_assigned_to_location": null,
                "devices_assigned_to_org": null,
                "discard": "n",
                "duration": "00:00:00",
                "edited_by": "Administrator",
                "edited_date": "2021-11-29 13:16:53",
                "id": 3,
                "ip_all_count": 0,
                "ip_audited_count": 0,
                "ip_discovered_count": 0,
                "ip_responding_count": 0,
                "ip_scanned_count": 0,
                "last_finished": "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
                "last_run": "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
                    "match_dbus": "",
                    "match_dns_fqdn": "",
                    "match_dns_hostname": "",
                    "match_fqdn": "",
                    "match_hostname": "",
                    "match_hostname_dbus": "",
                    "match_hostname_serial": "",
                    "match_hostname_uuid": "",
                    "match_ip": "",
                    "match_ip_no_data": "",
                    "match_mac": "",
                    "match_mac_vmware": "",
                    "match_serial": "",
                    "match_serial_type": "",
                    "match_sysname": "",
                    "match_sysname_serial": "",
                    "match_uuid": ""
                "name": "My Testing Discovery",
                "network_address": "",
                "org_id": 1,
                "": 1,
                    "exclude_ip": "",
                    "exclude_tcp_ports": "",
                    "exclude_udp_ports": "",
                    "filtered": "",
                    "id": "1",
                    "nmap_tcp_ports": "",
                    "nmap_udp_ports": "",
                    "open|filtered": "",
                    "ping": "",
                    "script_timeout": "",
                    "service_version": "",
                    "snmp_timeout": "",
                    "ssh_ports": "",
                    "ssh_timeout": "",
                    "tcp_ports": "",
                    "timeout": "",
                    "timing": "",
                    "udp_ports": "",
                    "wmi_timeout": ""
                "seed_ip": "",
                "seed_ping": "y",
                "seed_restrict_to_private": "y",
                "seed_restrict_to_subnet": "y",
                "status": "",
                "subnet": "",
                "": 0,
                "system_id": 0,
                "type": "subnet"
            "id": 3,
                "self": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit/discoveries/3"
            "type": "discoveries"
        "about": "<p>Discoveries are at the very heart of what Open-AudIT does.<br /><br />How else would you know \"What is on my network?\"<br /><br />Discoveries are preprepared data items that enable you to run a discovery upon a network in a single click, without entering the details of that network each and every time.<br /><br />For more detailed information, check the Open-AudIT <a href=\"\">Knowledge Base</a>.<br /><br /></p>",
            "ad_domain": "The Active Directory domain to retrieve a list of subnets from.",
            "ad_server": "The Active Directory server to retrieve a list of subnets from.",
            "complete": "A internal field that indicates if the discovery has completed.",
            "description": "Your description of this item.",
            "device_count": "The number of devices found by this discovery.",
            "devices_assigned_to_location": "Any discovered devices will be assigned to this Location if set. Links to <code></code>.",
            "devices_assigned_to_org": "Any discovered devices will be assigned to this Org if set. If not set, they are assigned to the 'org_id' of this discovery. Links to <code></code>.",
            "discard": "Used internally when discovering a single device.",
            "edited_by": "The name of the user who last changed or added this item (read only).",
            "edited_date": "The date this item was changed or added (read only). NOTE - This is the timestamp from the server.",
            "id": "The internal identifier column in the database (read only).",
            "last_run": "A calculated field that is updated each time the discovery has been executed.",
            "limit": "The number of devices to limit this discovery to.",
            "match_dbus": "Should we match a device based on its dbus id.",
            "match_dns_fqdn": "Should we match a device based on its DNS fqdn.",
            "match_dns_hostname": "Should we match a device based on its DNS hostname.",
            "match_fqdn": "Should we match a device based on its fqdn.",
            "match_hostname": "Should we match a device based only on its hostname.",
            "match_hostname_dbus": "Should we match a device based on its hostname and dbus id.",
            "match_hostname_serial": "Should we match a device based on its hostname and serial.",
            "match_hostname_uuid": "Should we match a device based on its hostname and UUID.",
            "match_ip": "Should we match a device based on its ip.",
            "match_ip_no_data": "Should we match a device based on its ip if we have an existing device with no data.",
            "match_mac": "Should we match a device based on its mac address.",
            "match_mac_vmware": "Should we match a device based mac address even if its a known likely duplicate from VMware.",
            "match_options": "A JSON document containing the required attributes overriding the default device match options.",
            "match_serial": "Should we match a device based on its serial number.",
            "match_serial_type": "Should we match a device based on its serial and type.",
            "match_sysname": "Should we match a device based only on its SNMP sysName.",
            "match_sysname_serial": "Should we match a device based only on its SNMP sysName and serial.",
            "match_uuid": "Should we match a device based on its UUID.",
            "name": "The name given to this item. Ideally it should be unique.",
            "network_address": "The URL the audit_* scripts should submit their result to.",
            "org_id": "The Organisation that owns this item. Links to <code></code>.",
            "scan_options": "A JSON document containing the required attributes overriding the chosen discovery_scan_options.",
            "scan_options.exclude_ip": "Exclude these IP addresses from being Nmap scanned.",
            "scan_options.exclude_tcp_ports": "Do not scan these TCP ports.",
            "scan_options.exclude_udp_ports": "Do not scan these UDP ports.",
            "scan_options.filtered": "If a port responds with filtered, should we consider it available.",
            "": "The set of options for Nmap for this discovery. Links to",
            "scan_options.nmap_tcp_ports": "Scan the Nmap top number of TCP ports.",
            "scan_options.nmap_udp_ports": "Scan the Nmap top number of UDP ports.",
            "|filtered": "If a port responds with open|filtered, should we consider it available.",
            "": "The device must respond to an Nmap ping before it is considered online.",
            "scan_options.service_version": "Should we use Nmaps Service Version detection. This will considerably slow the discovery scan.",
            "scan_options.ssh_ports": "Check this port for any SSH service.",
            "scan_options.tcp_ports": "A list of custom TCP ports to scan.",
            "scan_options.timeout": "How long should Nmap wait for a response, per target device.",
            "scan_options.timing": "The Nmap timing preset.",
            "scan_options.udp_ports": "A list of custom UDP ports to scan.",
            "seed_ip": "The IP of the device to start a seed discovery with.",
            "seed_ping": "For a seed discovery, should I ping the subnet before running the discovery.",
            "seed_restrict_to_private": "For a seed discovery, should I only discover IPs in the private IP address space.",
            "seed_restrict_to_subnet": "For a seed discovery, should I only discover IPs on the chosen subnet.",
            "subnet": "The network subnet to execute the discovery on.",
            "system_id": "Used internally when discovering a single device. Links to <code></code>.",
            "type": "Currently supported types are 'subnet' and 'active directory'."
        "marketing": "<p>Discoveries are at the very heart of what Open-AudIT does. How else would you know \"What is on my network?\"<br /><br />Easily run a discovery upon a network in a single click, without entering the details of that network each and every time.<br /><br />Use Open-AudIT Professional and Enterprise to schedule your Discoveries to run automatically whenever you like.<br /><br />For more detailed information, check the Open-AudIT <a href=\"\">Knowledge Base</a>.<br /><br /></p>",
        "notes": "<p>Some examples of valid Subnet attributes are: (a single IP address), (a subnet), 192.168.1-3.1-20 (a range of IP addresses).<br /><br /><b>NOTE</b> - Only a subnet (as per the examples - will be able to automatically create a valid network for Open-AudIT. <br /><br />If you use an Active Directory type, make sure you have appropriate credentials to talk to your Domain Controller already in <a href=\"../credentials\">credentials</a>.</p>",
        "product": "community",
        "sentence": "Open-AudIT Enterprise discovers every device on your network.",
        "table": "discoveries"
                "command_options": "",
                "description": "Approximately 1 second per target. Scan only the ports that Open-AudIT needs to use to talk to the device and detect an IOS device (WMI, SSH, SNMP, Apple Sync). An open|filtered port is considered closed. Device must respond to an Nmap ping. Use aggressive timing.",
                "edited_by": "system",
                "edited_date": "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
                "exclude_ip": "",
                "exclude_tcp_ports": "",
                "exclude_udp_ports": "",
                "filtered": "n",
                "id": 1,
                "name": "UltraFast",
                "nmap_tcp_ports": "0",
                "nmap_udp_ports": "0",
                "open|filtered": "n",
                "options": "",
                "org_id": 1,
                "": 1,
                "ping": "y",
                "ports_in_order": "n",
                "ports_stop_after": "0",
                "script_timeout": "0",
                "service_version": "n",
                "snmp_timeout": "0",
                "ssh_ports": "22",
                "ssh_timeout": "0",
                "tcp_ports": "22,135,62078",
                "timeout": "0",
                "timing": "4",
                "udp_ports": "161",
                "wmi_timeout": "0"
            "id": 1,
                "self": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit/discovery_scan_options/1"
            "type": "discovery_scan_options"
                "ad_group": "open-audit_orgs_default_organisation",
                "description": "",
                "device_count": 0,
                "edited_by": "system",
                "edited_date": "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Default Organisation",
                "parent_id": 1,
                "type": "organisation"
            "id": 1,
                "self": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit/orgs/1"
            "type": "orgs"
        "first": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit/discoveries/3",
        "last": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit/discoveries/3",
        "next": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit/discoveries/3",
        "prev": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit/discoveries/3",
        "self": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit/discoveries/3"
        "access_token": "ef4421add7e6f2741a2830a1b0262d3b678cc33efdacdd9442d5a871f474",
        "action": "read",
        "as_at": "",
        "baseurl": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit",
        "collection": "discoveries",
        "current": "y",
        "debug": false,
        "filter": [],
        "filtered": 1,
        "format": "json",
        "groupby": "",
        "header": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
        "heading": "Discoveries",
        "id": 3,
        "include": "",
        "limit": 1000,
        "nmap_version": 7,
        "offset": 0,
        "properties": ".*",
        "query_parameters": [],
        "query_string": "",
        "received_data": [],
        "request_method": "GET",
        "requestor": "commercial",
        "server_app_version": "4.3.0",
        "server_platform": "Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)",
        "sort": "",
        "sub_resource": "",
        "timestamp": "2021-11-29 13:24:45",
        "timezone": "UTC +1000",
        "total": 1,
        "version": 1


Logon as above, then.




   "id": 5,
   "type": "discoveries",
   "attributes": {
      "name": "My New Name OMK"


Logon as above, then.



