API Examples for Postman
Here are some examples for using the Open-AudIT API via Postman.
When beginning a new request, we always logon and store the returned cookie for future use. In addition to the cookie, if we want to create a resource (Orgs, Locations, Credentials, Discoveries, et al) we need to provide an access token. An access token is generated with every request (except logon) and any of the last 20 (by default, settable in the configuration) will be accepted. You should always aim to use the last access token issued. An example token is in the Get Device List response, below.
Updated for Open-AudIT 3.5.4 onward on 2021-11-29.
Section |
URL | POST | http://localhost/open-audit/index.php/logon |
Headers | Accept | application/json |
Body | Type | form-data |
| Key | username | admin |
| Key | password | password |
"access_token": "[]",
"active": "y",
"dashboard_id": "1",
"devices_default_display_columns": "",
"edited_by": "Administrator",
"edited_date": "2024-10-02 11:40:15",
"email": "admin@openaudit",
"full_name": "Administrator",
"id": 1,
"lang": "en",
"ldap": "",
"list_table_format": "",
"name": "admin",
"org_id": 1,
"orgs": "[1]",
"password": "",
"toolbar_style": "icontext",
"type": "user"
Read Devices
Logon as above, then.
Section |
URL | GET | http://localhost/open-audit/index.php/devices |
Headers | Accept | application/json |
Note - restricted to one item in the data array, normally you will retrieve all items.
"meta": {
"action": "collection",
"collection": "devices",
"request_method": "GET",
"remote_addr": "::1",
"format": "json",
"id": null,
"access_token": "60485c922d98010d0b6e9a746b15bd50144eccc18ef8896ad28e1e11fc3f",
"baseurl": "http://localhost:8080/",
"debug": false,
"filtered": 1,
"groupby": "",
"header": 200,
"include": "",
"license_string": "",
"limit": 1,
"microtime": 1728348706.632546,
"offset": 0,
"properties": [
"query_string": "limit=1",
"requestor": "",
"server_app_version": "5.6.0",
"server_platform": "MacOS 15.0.1 Sequoia",
"sort": "",
"time_start": 1728348706.64449,
"time_end": 1728348706.714915,
"time_elapsed": "0.08",
"total": 111,
"timestamp": "2024-10-08 10:51:46",
"timezone": "UTC +10:00",
"version": 1,
"filter": [
"name": "devices.org_id",
"function": "whereIn",
"operator": "in",
"value": [
"received_data": [],
"sql": [],
"heading": "Devices",
"icon": "fa fa-desktop",
"data_order": [
"links": {},
"included": {
"antivirus": 8,
"audit_log": 140,
"bios": 70,
"change_log": 12642,
"disk": 342,
"dns": 0,
"edit_log": 3006,
"file": 35,
"firewall": 3,
"firewall_rule": 1073,
"executable": 101,
"ip": 301,
"log": 742,
"memory": 128,
"module": 619,
"monitor": 27,
"motherboard": 62,
"netstat": 2524,
"network": 618,
"nmap": 65,
"optical": 23,
"pagefile": 26,
"partition": 422,
"policy": 1033,
"print_queue": 10,
"processor": 77,
"route": 947,
"server": 65,
"server_item": 134,
"service": 12164,
"share": 47,
"software": 43305,
"software_key": 35,
"sound": 58,
"task": 4339,
"user": 1689,
"user_group": 2375,
"variable": 2142,
"video": 75,
"vm": 89,
"windows": 39
"logs": [],
"data": [
"id": 5,
"type": "devices",
"attributes": {
"id": 5,
"icon": "redhat",
"type": "computer",
"name": "redhat9",
"ip": "",
"uuid": "9d762f99-55cb-5f42-a4ea-3704c5be0333",
"hostname": "redhat9",
"dns_hostname": "redhat9",
"domain": "open-audit.lan",
"dns_domain": "open-audit.local",
"dbus_identifier": "db348c97aadf4b38847d236483fe9f79",
"fqdn": "redhat9.open-audit.lan",
"dns_fqdn": "redhat9.open-audit.local",
"description": "",
"os_group": "Linux",
"os_family": "RedHat",
"os_name": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.4 (Plow)",
"os_version": "9.4",
"manufacturer": "innotek GmbH",
"model": "VirtualBox",
"serial": "",
"form_factor": "Virtual",
"status": "production",
"environment": "production",
"class": "server",
"function": "",
"org_id": 1,
"location_id": 1,
"snmp_oid": "",
"sysDescr": "",
"sysObjectID": "",
"sysUpTime": "",
"sysContact": "",
"sysName": "",
"sysLocation": "",
"first_seen": "2024-08-27 14:43:31",
"last_seen": "2024-09-27 13:20:29",
"last_seen_by": "audit_ssh",
"identification": "Server from innotek GmbH",
"tags": [],
"orgs.name": "Default Organisation",
"orgs.id": 1,
"locations.name": "Default Location",
"locations.id": 1,
"mycount": "1",
"audit_class": "fa fa-check text-success",
"audit_text": "Discovered and audited computer.",
"ip_padded": ""
Create Discovery
Logon as above, then request list of devices (or any available endpoint) so we can use the meta → access_token in our request (see above response).
Section |
URL | POST | http://localhost/open-audit/index.php/discoveries |
Headers | Accept | application/json |
Body | Type | form-data |
| Key | data |
"access_token": "bcb3f959c14f0daf959e3de92e4213201a56bc205e31b63f35c3f9299670",
"type": "discoveries",
"description": "Subnet -",
"match_options": "{\"match_dbus\":\"\",\"match_dns_fqdn\":\"\",\"match_dns_hostname\":\"\",\"match_fqdn\":\"\",\"match_hostname\":\"\",\"match_hostname_dbus\":\"\",\"match_hostname_serial\":\"\",\"match_hostname_uuid\":\"\",\"match_ip\":\"\",\"match_ip_no_data\":\"\",\"match_mac\":\"\",\"match_mac_vmware\":\"\",\"match_serial\":\"\",\"match_serial_type\":\"\",\"match_sysname\":\"\",\"match_sysname_serial\":\"\",\"match_uuid\":\"\"}",
"name": "My Testing Discovery",
"org_id": 1,
"scan_options": "{\"exclude_ip\":\"\",\"exclude_tcp_ports\":\"\",\"exclude_udp_ports\":\"\",\"filtered\":\"\",\"id\":\"1\",\"nmap_tcp_ports\":\"\",\"nmap_udp_ports\":\"\",\"open|filtered\":\"\",\"ping\":\"\",\"service_version\":\"\",\"ssh_ports\":\"\",\"tcp_ports\":\"\",\"timeout\":\"\",\"timing\":\"\",\"udp_ports\":\"\",\"script_timeout\":\"\",\"snmp_timeout\":\"\",\"ssh_timeout\":\"\",\"wmi_timeout\":\"\"}",
"subnet": "",
"type": "subnet"
} |
Note, generated from a discoveries read. The actual output should be almost identical.
"ad_domain": "",
"ad_server": "",
"cloud_id": 1,
"cloud_name": "",
"command_options": "",
"description": "Subnet -",
"devices_assigned_to_location": null,
"devices_assigned_to_org": null,
"discard": "n",
"duration": "00:00:00",
"edited_by": "Administrator",
"edited_date": "2021-11-29 13:16:53",
"id": 3,
"ip_all_count": 0,
"ip_audited_count": 0,
"ip_discovered_count": 0,
"ip_responding_count": 0,
"ip_scanned_count": 0,
"last_finished": "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
"last_run": "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
"match_dbus": "",
"match_dns_fqdn": "",
"match_dns_hostname": "",
"match_fqdn": "",
"match_hostname": "",
"match_hostname_dbus": "",
"match_hostname_serial": "",
"match_hostname_uuid": "",
"match_ip": "",
"match_ip_no_data": "",
"match_mac": "",
"match_mac_vmware": "",
"match_serial": "",
"match_serial_type": "",
"match_sysname": "",
"match_sysname_serial": "",
"match_uuid": ""
"name": "My Testing Discovery",
"network_address": "",
"org_id": 1,
"orgs.id": 1,
"exclude_ip": "",
"exclude_tcp_ports": "",
"exclude_udp_ports": "",
"filtered": "",
"id": "1",
"nmap_tcp_ports": "",
"nmap_udp_ports": "",
"open|filtered": "",
"ping": "",
"script_timeout": "",
"service_version": "",
"snmp_timeout": "",
"ssh_ports": "",
"ssh_timeout": "",
"tcp_ports": "",
"timeout": "",
"timing": "",
"udp_ports": "",
"wmi_timeout": ""
"seed_ip": "",
"seed_ping": "y",
"seed_restrict_to_private": "y",
"seed_restrict_to_subnet": "y",
"status": "",
"subnet": "",
"system.id": 0,
"system_id": 0,
"type": "subnet"
"id": 3,
"self": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit/discoveries/3"
"type": "discoveries"
"included": [],
"issues": [],
"access_token": "ef4421add7e6f2741a2830a1b0262d3b678cc33efdacdd9442d5a871f474",
"action": "read",
"as_at": "",
"baseurl": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit",
"collection": "discoveries",
"current": "y",
"debug": false,
"filter": [],
"filtered": 1,
"format": "json",
"groupby": "",
"header": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
"heading": "Discoveries",
"id": 3,
"include": "",
"limit": 1000,
"nmap_version": 7,
"offset": 0,
"properties": ".*",
"query_parameters": [],
"query_string": "",
"received_data": [],
"request_method": "GET",
"requestor": "commercial",
"server_app_version": "4.3.0",
"server_platform": "Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)",
"sort": "",
"sub_resource": "",
"timestamp": "2021-11-29 13:24:45",
"timezone": "UTC +1000",
"total": 1,
"version": 1
Update Discovery
Logon as above, then.
Section |
URL | PATCH | http://localhost/open-audit/index.php/discoveries/5 |
Headers | Accept | application/json |
Body | Type | x-www-form-urlencoded |
| Key | data | {
"id": 5,
"type": "discoveries",
"attributes": {
"name": "My New Name OMK"
} |
Note - generated from pre 3.5.4. Attribute outputs will be as above for 3.5.4 onward.
"data": [
"attributes": {
"description": "Subnet -",
"devices_assigned_to_location": null,
"devices_assigned_to_org": null,
"discard": "n",
"duration": "00:00:00",
"edited_by": "Administrator",
"edited_date": "2020-03-24 14:13:36",
"id": 5,
"ip_all_count": 0,
"ip_audited_count": 0,
"ip_discovered_count": 0,
"ip_responding_count": 0,
"ip_scanned_count": 0,
"last_finished": "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
"last_run": "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
"name": "My New Name OMK",
"network_address": "",
"options": "",
"org_id": 1,
"orgs.id": 1,
"other": {
"nmap": {
"discovery_scan_option_id": "1",
"exclude_ip": "",
"exclude_tcp_ports": "",
"exclude_udp_ports": "",
"filtered": "n",
"nmap_tcp_ports": "0",
"nmap_udp_ports": "0",
"ping": "y",
"service_version": "n",
"ssh_ports": "22",
"tcp_ports": "22,135,62078",
"timeout": "0",
"timing": "4",
"udp_ports": "161"
"subnet": ""
"status": "",
"system.id": 0,
"system_id": 0,
"type": "subnet"
"id": 5,
"links": {
"self": "/omk/open-audit/discoveries/5"
"type": "discoveries"
"errors": [],
"included": [],
"links": {
"first": null,
"last": null,
"next": null,
"prev": null,
"self": "http://localhost/omk/open-audit/discoveries/5"
"meta": {
"access_token": "47049142d113e4e316ae4219afdf54d6a6d034ff779a42fd5198a720da2e",
"action": "update",
"baseurl": "http://localhost/omk/open-audit",
"collection": "discoveries",
"current": "y",
"data_order": [
"debug": false,
"filter": [],
"filtered": "",
"format": "json",
"groupby": "",
"header": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
"heading": "Discoveries",
"id": 5,
"ids": 0,
"include": "",
"limit": 1000,
"offset": 0,
"properties": "*",
"query_parameters": [],
"query_string": "",
"received_data": {
"attributes": {
"id": 5,
"name": "My New Name OMK"
"id": 5,
"type": "discoveries"
"request_method": "PATCH",
"requestor": "",
"sort": "",
"sub_resource": "",
"sub_resource_id": 0,
"timestamp": "2020-03-24 14:13:36",
"timezone": "UTC +1000",
"total": 0,
"version": 1
Delete Discovery
Logon as above, then.
Section |
URL | DELETE | http://localhost/open-audit/index.php/discoveries/5 |
Headers | Accept | application/json |
"meta": {
"access_token": "530d34dc6304ebd361d088d7831e4ce9d276ac8a4826837bdf36e8e84c87",
"action": "delete",
"baseurl": "http://localhost/open-audit/",
"collection": "discoveries",
"current": "y",
"debug": false,
"filtered": "",
"format": "json",
"groupby": "",
"header": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
"id": 5,
"ids": 0,
"include": "",
"limit": 1000,
"offset": 0,
"properties": "*",
"query_string": "",
"request_method": "DELETE",
"requestor": "",
"sort": "",
"sub_resource": "",
"sub_resource_id": 0,
"total": 0,
"timestamp": "2020-03-24 14:22:38",
"timezone": "UTC +1000",
"version": 1,
"filter": [],
"query_parameters": [],
"received_data": [],
"heading": "Discoveries",
"data_order": []
"links": {
"self": "http://localhost/open-audit/index.php/discoveries/5",
"first": null,
"last": null,
"next": null,
"prev": null
"included": [],
"data": [
"type": "discoveries"