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The body of the request must be a valid JSON document, containing the desired event properties. See opEvents Normalised Event Properties for a description of all the properties. Some properties (e.g. date, time) can be omitted and will be filled in automatically. As an absolute minimum, a node or a host property, and an event property must be present. If (and only if!) node is not present, then opEvents looks up host and attempts to find the canonical node for the hostname or IP address from the host property  - this heuristic is described in more detail here. The resulting node must be known to opEvents and must not be disabled for opEvents.


o_start, o_end

Start and end of the period you are interested in.
Takes all standard opEvents Date/Time formats and UNIX seconds.

Note, you should pass o_summarise=1 to make sure UNIX time is not rounded.

o_node_nameName of the node you are interested in.
You can use "regex:<regular expression>" or a plain text string.
ev_event_nameName of the event you are interested in.
You can use "regex:<regular expression>" or a plain text string.
ev_event_typeType of the event, i.e. what source it came from.
e.g: nmis_eventlogapi.
ev_event_elementElement in question. Not present for all events.
Regex or plain text string.
ev_event_detailsDetails that were supplied with the event. Not present for all events.
Regex or plain text string.
