Supported Time Formats

All Opmantek applications that handle time-series data use a common mechanism for parsing start and end times, which supports a large number of different formats listed below.

Starting with opEvents 2.0.4, Time zone formats are also supported.

Default Format

The default format is the specific "DD-MON-YYYY HH:MM:SS", which you will have seen already in the Quick Search field.

The default time zone is the server's local time zone (or the configured time zone as per omkd_display_timezone - available in opEvents releases 2.0.4 and newer).

Absolute Date Formats

  • Dow, dd Mon yy
  • Dow, dd Mon yyyy
  • Dow, dd Mon
  • dd Mon yy
  • dd Mon yyyy
  • Month day{st,nd,rd,th}, year
  • Month day{st,nd,rd,th}
  • Mon dd yyyy
  • yyyy/mm/dd
  • yyyy-mm-dd
  • yyyy/mm
  • mm/dd/yy
  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • mm/yy

Absolute Time Formats

  • hh:mm:ss[.ddd]
  • hh:mm
  • hh:mm[AP]M
  • hh[AP]M
  • hhmmss[[AP]M]
  • "noon"
  • "midnight"

Relative Date Formats

  • count "days"
  • count "weeks"
  • count "months"
  • count "years"
  • Dow "after next"
  • Dow "before last"
  • "next" Dow
  • "tomorrow"
  • "today"
  • "yesterday"
  • "last" dow
  • "last week"
  • "now"
  • "now" "+" count units
  • "now" "-" count units
  • "+" count units
  • "-" count units
  •  count units "ago"

Relative Time Formats

  • count "minutes"
    (count can be fractional "1.5" or "1 1/2")
  • count "seconds"
  • count "hours"
  • "+" count units
  • "-" count units
  • count units "ago"

Timezone Formats

The underlying date and time parser understands primarily the formats "GMT+H", "GMT+HHMM", "+HHMM" (and the corresponding variants with "-"), and a very limited subset of Timezone names.

An example of a date and time with time zone is 2023-12-25 22:00:00 UTC