Versions Compared


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opConfig and opEvents provide a number of different methods for managing nodes, both GUI-based and commandline-oriented. This document describes the available commandline tools.

Bulk Import and Export

For importing lots of nodes in one go from a CSV file, NMIS has been providing  admin/ for a long time. There is also a sibling admin/ tool, and both are documented on the Bulk Import page. The main benefit of these tools is utmost simplicity, but at the cost of some flexibility: import_nodes does not make all common node properties controllable or accessible.

Node administration with


Node administration with

/usr/local/omk/bin/ is scriptable and pipelineable, and can perform all node-related operations: creation, updating, renaming, exporting and deletion of nodes.


Run the tool with no options or -? or -h and it'll display a simple help page:

Code Block
./adminbin/ -h
Usage: act=[action to take] [extras...] act=list act={create|export|update|delete}} node=nodeX act=delete node=nodeX [deletedata=0/1] act=show node=nodeX act=set node=nodeX entry.propname=value... act=mktemplate [placeholder=1/0] act=rename old=nodeX new=nodeY
mktemplate: prints blank template for node creation, 
 optionally with __REPLACE_XX__ placeholder
create: requires file=NewNodeDef.json
export: exports to file=someFile.json (or STDOUT if no file given)
update: updates existing node from file=someFile.json (or STDIN)
delete: only deletes if confirm=yes (in uppercase) is given
extras: deletedata=<true,false> which makes delete also
delete all RRD files for the node. default is false.
extras: conf=<configname> to use different configuration
extras: debug={1..9,verbose} sets debugging verbosity
extras: info=1 sets general verbosity


node events and config information are deleted only if deletedata
is 1 or true.
show: prints the nodes properties in the same format as set
set: adjust one or more node properties

Node Listing and Exporting

Given the argument act=list, nodeopnode_admin will simply print a list of all known node names.To see or

Version 2.70.0 onwards prints its two lines of header only when displaying to a terminal; with older versions you'll have to exclude these lines if you want to reuse the data.

To save a node's config information, run admin/ act=export node=somenodename, and it'll print the node's configuration in JSON format to your console. If you want to save that data in a file, either add the argument file=somefilename.json or redirect the output with > somefile. Here is an example of what to expect:

Code Block
./admin/ act=export node=mytestbox
   "active" : "true",
   "businessService" : "my own test system",
   "collect" : "true",
   "community" : "verySecETr",
   "group" : "HQDev",
   "host" : "",
   "location" : "office",
   "model" : "automatic",
   "name" : "mytestbox",
   "netType" : "lan",
   "notes" : "there are no notes for this baby",
   "ping" : "true",
   "roleType" : "access",
   "version" : "snmpv2c"
}fixme example

Node Updating

Naturally node_admin does not just export node data but also consumes it for modifying a node in place and for creation of new nodes.
