What is opCommon?
opCommon is Space where documentation lives for tasks that are common to several Opmantek software packages.
Table of Contents
- 1 What is opCommon?
- 2 User Experience
- 3 Opmantek Products and Apache Log4J Vulnerability - Log4Shell CVE-2021-44228
- 4 Before You Install
- 5 Installation
- 6 Product Licensing
- 7 MongoDB
- 8 Administration
- 9 General Documentation
- 10 Advanced Concepts
- 11 The FirstWave VM Appliance
- 12 Troubleshooting
- 13 Archived Documentation
User Experience
Opmantek Products and Apache Log4J Vulnerability - Log4Shell CVE-2021-44228
Before You Install
Information about the Opmantek Installer
Product Licensing
MongoDB Installation - how to install, upgrade and run MongoDB
MongoDB Data Migration, Backup and Restore - getting data from one MongoDB server to another
Administration module, common to all OMK products.
Automating Admin Tasks Including Node Management
General Documentation
Common Node Properties - what opConfig and opEvents (need to) know about a node
How to make configuration changes to opCommon.nmis and other files
Product Compatibility Matrix
Information about how to keep track of your license status
Installing NMIS9 Compatible OMK Applications in a Disconnected (Air-Gapped) Environment
Advanced Concepts
The FirstWave VM Appliance
The latest FirstWave Virtual Machine (VM) Appliances are NMIS8 and NMIS9 virtual machine images based on Debian 11.
They include most of FirstWave's products pre-installed and configured for your convenience.
Archived Documentation