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Table of Contents



How does it work?

The core idea is broadly similar to Kerberos: the Opmantek application and the external party share a cryptographic key, and thus a trust relationship is established. When the external party is satisfied that a user should be (pre-)authenticated for Opmantek apps, then it uses that shared key to create a 'token' or 'ticket', which the user can present to the Opmantek application in lieu of logging in interactively; if the ticket verifies as valid, the Opmantek application accepts the user as authenticated and logged in.


  1. One or more shared keys must be set up,
  2. optionally, the maximum validity for tokens may be specified optionally,
  3. and finally, the authentication method token must be added as one of the three supported authentication methods.

Once these changes are made, the Opmantek daemon must be restarted (sudo service omkd restart) to activate them.

Here is an example opCommon.nmis snippet, showing just the relevant items:


The  auth_token_key list specifies which shared keys should be accepted and tried in sequence. Setting just one key is ok. If you have multiple external parties that you want to delegate authentication duties to, then it is recommended that you give each their own key.

The  auth_token_maxage setting must be a positive number, and defines how long a token remains valid after creation (in seconds). If not setpresent, the default of 300 seconds is used.

The token authentication method is active if and only if one of the auth_method_1, 2 or 3 entries is set to token. Please note that it is not relevant which of the three is set to token; The the token method is ignored when the normal username and password login form is used, and conversely the other methods are ignored if the token access URL is visited (see next section).


Our applications ship with a small token generator helper in /usr/local/omk/bin/ (plus the same  code but  compiled  and also compiled into a standalone .exe file program, in the same location).

This token generator must be passed the shared key to use, and the username to generate a token for. The encrypted token is set up created with and for that username and also  containing contains the current time (in UTC). Finally, and the generator prints the resulting token is printed, as in the following example:


Token length varies depending on the username, and each execution will does create a different token. Please note that if your shared key contains shell metacharacters (like "!" in the example above) you will have to quote them with single quotes when passing them to the example token generator.

Logging in with a Token

To use a token with an Opmantek application, the token generating party should provide direct the user with to a URL in the following format: http://<yourserver>/omk/<applicationkey>/login/<token>

As a concrete example, to access opCharts with the token from before we'd use

If your system is configured for secure HTTP then it's fine to use https://. Ttoken authentication works for all commercial Opmantek applications (e.g. application keys opEvents, opConfig and so on).

When the user visits accesses this URL with using their browser, the authentication subsystem detects the presence of a token and attempts to verify it. If a suitable shared key exists to decrypt the token was configured on the receiving system, and if the token could be decrypted and is not too old, then authentication succeeds, suitable cookies are created and returned, and the user is redirected to the main page for the given application.
If the token is invalid, the user is shown the classic login form, with a suitable error message.



Content and Interoperability Notes


what goes in, time seconds string, space, username

passphrase derived key, openssl-compatible  salted header mode, pkcs#5 padding, finally hex-encoded.



  • no n-tries lockout
  • time synchronisation critical
  • token works any number of times, as long  as within the validity period

Code Examples


plain openssl CLI

 The "payload" data of the token consists of

  • the current time (in UNIX seconds since 1970, timezone UTC) as a string (e.g. "1487738312")
  • a single space character,
  • and the respective username (which must contain printable ascii characters only; e.g. "nmis" or "john doe").

This data is then encrypted symmetrically using the shared key, with the following parameters:

  • AES with 128-bit key size in CBC mode,
  • block-padded to the normal 128-bit block size using the standard PKCS#5 padding format,
  • with OpenSSL-compatible salted header format,
  • and using an OpenSSL-compatible password -based key and IV derivation function (PBKDF).
    Please note that the shared auth_token_key is used as passphrase to derive the actual key, not as a literal binary 128-bit key.

The resulting encrypted data is binary, and must be encoded for use as a URL component.
The encoding is a trivial hex-encoding: each binary byte is replaced by its representation as two hexadecimal digits.


  • The token authentication system does not support locking out users after N unsuccessful login attempts.
  • As the token contains the current time at the creating system and is valid for a limited time only, reasonably precise time synchronisation is critical for this method to work.
    If a token could be decrypted but was rejected because it was deemed too old, then a suitable log entry is written to the auth.log.
  • Tokens are not single-use: a token works any number of times as long as it is presented within the configured validity period.

Code Examples


The following block contains essentially the same code as the token generator shipped as bin/

Code Block
use strict;
use Crypt::CBC;

my ($key, $username, $tokentime) = @ARGV;
die "Usage: $0 <key> <username> [timestamp]
key: passphrase of arbitrary length.
timestamp: optional, default: now\n"
        if (!$key or !$username or (defined $tokentime && !int($tokentime)));
$tokentime ||= time;

#  what goes into the token? the token time stamp (in unix-seconds, UTC),
# as a plain string, followed by exactly one space and the username.
my $plain = $tokentime." ".$username;

# defaults: RFC2898/pkcs#5 padding, openssl-compatible salted header mode,
# and openssl-compatible key derivation function (PBKDF) -
# see
# but default keysize is an incompatibly 64 bits
my $engine = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => $key,
                                                         -cipher => "Rijndael",
                                                         -keysize => 128/8);
my $crypted = $engine->encrypt_hex($plain);

print $crypted,"\n";
exit 0;


Shell using the OpenSSL CLI

The following small shell script requires the openssl command line tool and hexdump to perform the token generation (with the key being the first argument, username second):

Code Block
TEMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/gentoken.XXXXXX`
NOW=`date +%s`
echo -n "$NOW $USER" > $TEMPFILE
# see man enc: -salt -e are default, could be omitted;
# openssl requires a real file as input, so we need a temp file
# hexdump converts the binary bytes into their hex representation
openssl aes-128-cbc -in $TEMPFILE -salt -e -pass "pass:$KEY" | \
        hexdump -v -e '/1 "%02x"'
exit 0



Python's pycrypto module should contain everything  required, except the OpenSSL-specific PBKDF which can be found  here.