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Learned from Support Cases

Does DNS function properly?


Code Block
### Check the local systems fqdn
screen [root@demo: ~]# hostname -f

### can the local system resolve it's own hostname?
screen [root@demo: ~]# dig +short

### Can the system resolve other hosts?
screen [root@demo: ~]# dig +short

Why DNS is Important

NMIS/OMK applications expect DNS to work.  Managing individual /etc/hosts files does not scale.  opHA is one module in particular where this is critical.  If the customer does not have a local DNS server for internal hosts consider running BIND on the NMIS master server, other NMIS/OMK servers can use it as a name server.  This is not difficult to do and will save a lot of troubleshooting time moving forward.


  • Time stamps not correct on events
  • Graph data not correct
  • Transactions with other systems fail (e.g. cookies could already be expired at the time of issue.)
  • User logs in, then is kicked back to the login screen; the browser cookie is expired because the server time and workstation time is outside the cookie lifespan.

Perl Modules

If NMIS or OMK applications can not locate a perl Perl module it may be missing or it may have the wrong file permissions.  Also check directory file permissions.
