Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • General Changes required by both fapolicyd and noexec mounted /tmp (required by OMK Installers, but not by NMIS Installers):

    Code Block
    # Create an install directory which we can use in a less restricted fashion to get OMK Applications' installed and functioning
    # - for this example we have chosen directory '/data/installs/':
    sudo -i
    mkdir -p /data/installs/
    # Set an environment variable globally to accomodate Perl::PAR module, which is used to create and execute OMK daemons and scripts, if needed:
    # check the environment variable is not already set (should not return reference to PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR if not set in this file):
    cat /etc/environment
    # check the environment variable is not already set in some other manner (should not return anything if PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR is not already exported):
    echo "${PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR}"
    # set up PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR if needed:
    	#	If you require OMK scripts, that don't explicitly require root privileges, able to be executed by users without root privileges:
    	#		Set PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR to a suitable directory outside of the OMK install directory (/usr/local/omk in this example);
    	#		The OMK install directory currently has root as both owner and group by default.
    	#		Users without root privileges won't therefore have execute capability in the OMK install directory structure.
    mkdir -p /usr/local/omk/var/lib/common/
    chmod 1777 
    echo 'PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR="/usr/local/omk/var/lib/common/"' >> /etc/environment
    # reboot to get the PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR exported globally if it needed to be set:
    # check PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR is exported after reboot:
    echo "${PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR}"
    # Unfortunately systemd services do not pick up this global environment variable, so each OMK systemd service needs to be edited:
    # first we check the needed 'EnvironmentFile' entry is not already included with:
    sudo systemctl cat omkd
    # then, if necessary, edit omkd service
    sudo systemctl edit omkd
    # Ensure the service is configured to use PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR environment variable as set in /etc/environment
    # by adding the following entry to [Service] - add [Service] section if it is not already present:
    # edit each OMK systemd service in this manner if needed, for example: 
    sudo systemctl edit opchartsd
    sudo systemctl edit opconfigd
    sudo systemctl edit opeventsd
    sudo systemctl edit opflowd
    # reload the edited services
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    # restart the OMK services
    sudo /path/to/omk/bin/ restart 
    # toTo ensure cron jobs cron jobs read /etc/environment and pick up the environment variable PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR,
    # insertprepend the following linecode at the top of to each applicable cron file '.command-line: 'export $(xargs < /etc/environment)||:; '
    -# forFor example /etc/cron.d/opreports:
    # was 
            # this cron schedule runs the opReports scheduler every 5 minutes
            # m h dom month dow user command
            */5 * * * *   root /usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe    # restart the fapolicyd service when debugging finished:
    # and becomes
            . /etc/environment
            # this cron schedule runs the opReports scheduler every 5 minutes
            # m h dom month dow user command
               */5 * * * *   root	export $(xargs < /etc/environment)||:; /usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe  

  • fapolicyd Whitelisting Change (required by OMK Installers, but not by NMIS Installers):

    Code Block
    # For OMK services and scripts to function correctly we will need to add a rule to whitelist needed directories in fapolicyd
    # such that root (uid=0) can execute scripts in the listed directories:
    # - for this example we have chosen directory '/data/installs/' and /path/to/omk/ is /usr/local/omk/:
    # Insert the following rule at line 1 of /etc/fapolicyd/fapolicyd.rules
    allow perm=any uid=0 : dir=/data/installs/,/usr/local/omk/var/lib/common/,/data/omk/var/lib/common/,/usr/local/omk/lib/common/PAR/,/usr/local/omk/lib/.tmp/PAR/
    # Update faplicyd with the additional rule we have inserted:
    sudo fapolicyd-cli --update
    # Reboot at this point is not absolutely necessary, but reinforces that settings are working as intended
    sudo reboot
     # restart the OMK services
    sudo /usr/local/omk//bin/ restart 

  • noexec mounted /tmp Change (required by OMK Installers and NMIS Installers):

    Code Block
    # Please read the next paragraph 'Starting the Installer' too, for more details on the installer!
    # The Opmantek installers cannot install from a noexec mounted directory, so we need to install from an alternative location:
    # - for this example we have chosen directory '/data/installs/':
    sudo mkdir -p /data/installs
    cd /data/installs
    # We need to instruct only this command we are about to execute with current directory set as environment variable TMPDIR:
    # Place the installer  in the current directory, then ..
    # This command as given sets TMPDIR to the current directory (not /tmp/) - there is a space character between the two stop characters in 'TMPDIR=. ./'
    # TMPDIR=.<space>./
    TMPDIR=. ./
    # To be safe we ensure TMPDIR is unset after successful execution of the installer by executing this command:
    unset TMPDIR
    # The installer will now install using current directory as /tmp
    # Unfortunately when the installer runs in this way, not using /tmp/ directory, it doesn't clean up after itself, so we clean up manually:
    # The installer always unpacks to a directory of glob pattern selfgz*, so we clean up by removing directory selfgz3021223337:
    rm -rf selfgz*


Code Block
sudo systemctl stop fapolicyd

# ...
# --debug-deny
# leave the daemon in the foreground for debugging. Event information is written to stderr only when the decision is to deny access.

sudo /usr/sbin/fapolicyd --debug-deny

Loaded 16 rules
Changed to uid 990
Initializing the database
fapolicyd integrity is 0
backend rpmdb registered
backend file registered
Loading rpmdb backend
Loading file backend
Checking database
Importing data from rpmdb backend
Importing data from file backend
Entries in DB: 28117
Loaded from all backends(without duplicates): 28117
Database checks OK
added /dev/shm mount point
added / mount point
added /var mount point
added /boot mount point
added /tmp mount point
added /data mount point
added /run/user/1000 mount point
Starting to listen for events
rule=15 dec=deny_audit perm=execute auid=-1 pid=2302 exe=/usr/local/omk/bin/opha-cli.exe : path=/tmp/par-726f6f74/cache-00548e237c0c0fdd9581d8236e7b57e47c9024b4/ ftype=application/x-executable
rule=15 dec=deny_audit perm=execute auid=-1 pid=2303 exe=/usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe : path=/tmp/par-726f6f74/cache-815c07b0877113fa7553963226f8855aa1160121/opreports-scheduler.exe ftype=application/x-executable
rule=15 dec=deny_audit perm=execute auid=-1 pid=2306 exe=/usr/local/omk/bin/opha-cli.exe : path=/tmp/par-726f6f74/cache-00548e237c0c0fdd9581d8236e7b57e47c9024b4/ ftype=application/x-executable
rule=15 dec=deny_audit perm=execute auid=-1 pid=2542 exe=/usr/local/omk/bin/baseline.exe : path=/tmp/par-726f6f74/cache-62f960e7d5fb11c6bcbb34fba76fe5030b04477c/baseline.exe ftype=application/x-executable
rule=15 dec=deny_audit perm=execute auid=-1 pid=2695 exe=/usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe : path=/tmp/par-726f6f74/cache-815c07b0877113fa7553963226f8855aa1160121/opreports-scheduler.exe ftype=application/x-executable

# When finished debugging, press CTRL+C to kill this foreground fapolicyd process:
^C shutting down...

# I traced the above few issues returned while debugging to cron jobs not reading /etc/environment
# and therefortherefore not picking up the environment variable PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR

# IHere insertedis the followingsolution lineto at the top of each applicablethis issue:
# To ensure cron jobs cron filejobs '.read /etc/environment' and pick up the issues then did not occur - for environment variable PAR_GLOBAL_TMPDIR,
# prepend the following code to each command-line: 'export $(xargs < /etc/environment)||:; '
# For example /etc/cron.d/opreports:
# was 
        # this cron schedule runs the opReports scheduler every 5 minutes
        # m h dom month dow user command
        */5 * * * *   root /usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe    # restart the fapolicyd service when debugging finished:
# and becomes
        . /etc/environment         # this cron schedule runs the opReports scheduler every 5 minutes
        # m h dom month dow user command
           */5 * * * *   root	export $(xargs < /etc/environment)||:; /usr/local/omk/bin/opreports-scheduler.exe  

# restart the fapolicyd service when debugging finished: 
sudo systemctl start fapolicyd
