Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


cd /usr/local/omk/conf/parser_plugins/

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use strict;

# arguments: the line (currently being parsed),
# and reference to the live event properties
# returns: (status-or-error)
# zero or undef: parsing for this event is aborted, 
# and no event is created.
# 1: indicates success, event is created and changed event
# properties are incorporated.
# any other value: treated as error message, changed event
# properties are NOT incorporated but event parsing continues.

sub parse_enrich
    my ($line, $event) = @_;
    my $ditch = 0;
    $event->{"details"} = $line;
    my @halves = split("#012", $line);

    my @OIDs = split('#011', $halves[1]);

    #my @OIDs = split('#011', $halves[1]);
    my ($ipaddress) = $halves[0] =~ /UDP:\s+\[(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\]/;
    my ($date) = $halves[0] =~ /(\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/;
    $event->{"ipaddress"} = $ipaddress;
    $event->{"host"} = $ipaddress;
    $event->{"date"} = $date;
    foreach my $i (@OIDs) {
        my @parseOID = split('=', $i);
        ## OID
        my $varname = $parseOID[0];
        $varname =~ s/\s+$//;
        my @oidValue = split(/\s+/, $parseOID[1],3);
        ## OID value
        my $rest = $oidValue[2];
        $rest =~ s/\s+$//;
        # trapoid: sets the event name
        if ($varname eq "SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0")
            $event->{event} = $rest;
            # no next, keep the trapoid as it came in - fixme or copy as 'trap' and next?
        # ...other /parsing/ rules go here, may end with next; if varname => rest is
        # not desirable in the event

        if ( $event->{event} eq "IF-MIB::linkDown" ) {
            $event->{event} = "Interface Down";
            $event->{stateful} = "Interface";
            $event->{state} = "down";
            $event->{priority} = 3;
        elsif ( $event->{event} eq "IF-MIB::linkUp" ) {
            $event->{event} = "Interface Up";
            $event->{stateful} = "Interface";
            $event->{state} = "up";
            $event->{priority} = 2;
        elsif ($varname =~ /IF-MIB::ifIndex\.\d+/ )
            $event->{element} = $rest;
        elsif ($varname =~ /IF-MIB::ifDescr\.\d+/ )
            $event->{element} = $rest;
        elsif ($varname eq "OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrState")
            $event->{stateful} = "OSPF Neighbor";
            if ( $rest eq "down" ) {
                $event->{event} = "OSPF Neighbor Down";
                $event->{state} = "down";
                $event->{priority} = 4;
            elsif ( $rest eq "up" ) {
                $event->{event} = "OSPF Neighbor Up";
                $event->{state} = "up";
                $event->{priority} = 2;
        elsif ($varname eq "OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrIpAddr" )
            $event->{element} = $rest;
        elsif ( $event->{event} =~ /BGP4-MIB::bgpBackwardTransition|BGP4-MIB::bgpTraps.0.2/ ) {
            $event->{event} = "BGP Neighbor Down";
            $event->{stateful} = "BGP Neighbor";
            $event->{state} = "down";
            $event->{priority} = 4;
        elsif ( $event->{event} =~ /BGP4-MIB::bgpEstablished|BGP4-MIB::bgpTraps.0.1/ ) {
            $event->{event} = "BGP Neighbor Up";
            $event->{stateful} = "BGP Neighbor";
            $event->{state} = "up";
            $event->{priority} = 2;
        elsif ($varname =~ /BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerState\.(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ )
            $event->{element} = $1;
        # nobody shortcircuited us? then save the right hand side under whatever varname is now
        $event->{$varname} = $rest;

    if ( $event->{details} =~ /CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB::ciscoConfigManEvent .+ ccmHistoryEventConfigDestination\.\d+=running/ ) 
        $event->{event} = "Node Configuration Change";

    # return 1; # happy, go on, use my changes
    # return 0;    # ignore this event
    # return "i have a problem"; # error, do not use my changes
    if ( $ditch == '1' ) {
        return 0;
    else {
        return 1;



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