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Outages API - V3 


Outages API - V3 

If you have a maintenance window or a scheduled outage for a device then you will likely want to suspend alerting for that device during that period.


All these methods require authentication.

POST http://server/en/omk/admin/login

Form data:

  • username
  • password

Get Outages

GET http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages

Returns a list of outages.


GET of /v3/outages for List

GET http[s]://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages

If your GET call provides an Accept header indicating JSON, or if you use a .json suffix, eg /v3/outages.json as URI, then It will look for matching Outages and return their properties in the form of a JSON object, an array of Outages.


If your GET call provides an accept header indicating application/json or if you use /en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages/<id>.json as URI, then the Outage will be looked up and all properties will be returned in the form of a JSON object.


GET http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages/#ID

Ex. http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages/0ea7644e-b6fa-4fa2-9b33-a86b79db21a4

Returns an outage.



The following tables represents theproperties of an Outage.





A globally unique Outage ID

The name of the Enterprise Service. This is used for identifying the Enterprise Service"John Test"currentA long description of the Enterprise Service

Insert any reference number if required in the change id field

ticket #12345"
currentIf the outage is current or scheduled/future outage"current/null"
descriptionLong description of an Outage"This is a test
Enterprise Service
The name of the node that is created and/or used to store the status and events for the Enterprise Service."john_test_ES"frequencyHow frequently the status of the Enterprise Service is recalculated.60start

The time that these status metrics were last recalculated. The metrics are updated with a frequency of frequency seconds.

1682489067endThe Overall Status can be Up, Degraded or Down. The Overall Status of the Enterprise Service is calculated from the worst of the Node State, Interface State and Service State."Down"nodesIf any Interface is marked Down, the Interface State is marked Down, otherwise it is Normal."Normal"elementA decimal number between 0 (bad) and 100 (good) inclusive representing the status of the interfaces in the Enterprise Service. 
The Interface Status is calculated from the status events for the Interfaces by aggregating all the Interface-related status event levels and averaging them out to a value from 0% to 100%.100optionsA status level categorizing the interface_status, into traffic light colours.

one of 'once', 'daily', 'weekly' or 'monthly'


date and time of outage start and end

 e.g. 2017-10-31T03:04:26+0000
enddate and time of outage start and end e.g. 2017-10-31T03:04:26+0000

nodesList of nodes for which Outages is defined[ 'Switch-1','Switch-2' ]
elementList of elements from nodes for which Outages are defined.

 [ {

  "element_name": "Vlan2",
  "node_name": "Switch-1"
}, {

   "element_name": "regex:^Vlan.*?$",
   "node_name": "Switch-2"
} ]

optionsoptional key=values to adjust NMIS' behaviour during an outageo"Normal"


API Endpoint

All requests are made under the following base URL:
