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Outages API - V3 


Public API for Outages "http[s]://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages"

We can view Enterprise Services Outages below using these endpoints - http[s]://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages


All these methods require authentication.

POST http://server/en/omk/admin/login

Form data:

  • username
  • password

GET of /v3/outages for List

GET http[s]://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages

If your GET call provides an Accept header indicating JSON, or if you use a .json suffix, eg /v3/outages.json as URI, then It will look for matching Outages and return their properties in the form of a JSON object, an array of Outages.


HTTP Status



401 UnauthorizedJSON object with an error propertyYou are not authenticated.
403 ForbiddenJSON object with an error propertyYou are not authorized.

GET http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages

Returns a list of outages.


If your GET call provides an accept header indicating application/json or if you use /en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages/<id>.json as URI, then the Outage will be looked up and all properties will be returned in the form of a JSON object.


GET http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages/#ID

Ex. http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages/0ea7644e-b6fa-4fa2-9b33-a86b79db21a4

Returns an outage.



DELETE http://server/en/omk/admin/api/v3/outages/0ea7644e-b6fa-4fa2-9b33-a86b79db21a4

Returns 200 if the outage was successfully removed.






A globally unique Outage ID


Insert any reference number if required in the change id field

ticket #12345"
currentIf the outage is current or scheduled/future outage"current/null"
descriptionLong description of an Outage"This is a test outage"
one of 'once', 'daily', 'weekly' or 'monthly'


date and time of outage start and end

 e.g. 2017-10-31T03:04:26+0000
enddate and time of outage start and end e.g. 2017-10-31T03:04:26+0000

nodesList of nodes for which Outages is defined[ 'Switch-1','Switch-2' ]
elementList of elements from nodes for which Outages are defined.

 [ {

  "element_name": "Vlan2",
  "node_name": "Switch-1"
}, {

   "element_name": "regex:^Vlan.*?$",
   "node_name": "Switch-2"
} ]

optionsoptional key=values to adjust NMIS' behaviour during an outageo"Normal"
