Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents


In this guide we will migrate the data from NMIS8 and OMK Applications to nmis9 and OMK Applications. 

  • Server: uburnto (ubuntu 18) →  deb-n-burn (debian 10) 
  • nmis 8.7.2 → nmis 9.2.2
  • opCharts 2.5.1 → opCharts 3
  • opConfig 3.5.2 → opConfig 4
  • opEvents 2.6.3 → opEvents 3
  • opHA 2.2.2  → opHA 3 
  • opReports 3.4.2 → opReports 4 

 Please Please note that, to make use of some utility versions for the migration, at least these versions are needed:


We can move all the files except the Table-tablename.nmis. 




We need to make some adjustments to the Config file. 


Code Block
/usr/local/nmis9/bin/nmis-cli act=fixperms

Import NMIS 8 configuration Items

More information here

Review important configuration Items

More information here

Configuration Files: Option 2


  • Some node properties have been updated. This mean the event action rules should be updated regarding this document.
  • Parser plugins also needs to be update. 


Step 3. OMK Applications considerations

opCharts (tick)(tick)

opCharts uses the same database. 


 In order for this to work, nmis9 should have run and created the inventory with the monitored services there. 

opEvents (tick)(tick)

Update database name in opCommon.json:


Code Block
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=setup-db debug=1

opConfig (tick)(tick)

Update database name in opCommon.json:


Code Block
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=migrate-nodes debug=9


opReports (tick)

NMIS8 opReports and NMIS9 opReports work the same way:

Run ensure indexes in the db:

Code Block
/usr/local/omk/bin/  act=setup-db debug=1

opReports (tick)

NMIS8 opReports and NMIS9 opReports work the same way:

  • Report Schedules are stored in /usr/local/conf/schedule
  • Reports caching is stored in /usr/local/omk/var/opreports
  • Reports are stored in /data/omk/var/reports (unless otherwise specified by the user)


Code Block
rsync -r var/
rsync -r var/

opHA (tick)(tick)

opHA 3 works different from opHA 2. The peers would need to be imported manually using the GUI or the cli, using nmis8/conf/Servers.nmis file.

Further information can be found /wiki/spaces/opDev/pages/3164707004.

Step 8. Start daemons


Run ensure indexes in the db:

Code Block
/usr/local/omk/bin/  act=setup-db debug=1

Step 8. Start daemons

Code Block
sudo service nmis9d start
sudo service omkd start
sudo service opeventsd start
sudo service opchartsd start
sudo service opconfigd start

Upgrade process (II): Installing


apps (NMIS9)


  • The destination server is a brand new server. 
  • We would need the last installers from all the products in the /tmp directory. 

Step 1. sync nmis8 folder

We can use rsync for this:

Code Block
rsync -r /usr/local

Step 2. run the nmis 9 installer

We can follow the guide for this

The installer will import the nodes from nmis8 automatically. 

Step 3. stop nmis9d

When done, stop the nmis9 service. Let's do other changes before keeps running.

Code Block
sudo service nmis9d stop

Step 4. Check imported nodes

Some of the nodes may not be imported, if you see that message in the logs:

Code Block
OUTPUT: Error saving node teide: given roleType 'BGP' is not a known type: 'default,core,distribution,access'

Please make sure to copy all this configuration items from nmis8 to nmis9:

Code Block

And run the script again:

Code Block
/usr/local/nmis9/admin/ act=import_bulk nodes=/usr/local/nmis8/conf/Nodes.nmis info=true

Step 5. Configuration

Configuration Files


We need to make some adjustments to the Config file. 

  • Review important parameters, as the number of workers (workers parameter in config). We can use this rule to get a starter number, but this will depend on the server resources, the amount of data collected by the node, etc. If the server is too slow we would need to decrease the number. If there are nodes with more than 3x late collects (Check the polling summary), the number should be increased: 
Code Block
(Number of nodes x AVG Collect time) / 300

300 _ Default polling time.

  • There is a script to use in opCommon (Just from the last software versions) that compares configuration items from a configuration file missing from another. 
Code Block
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=compare_configs nmis8=/tmp/nmis8.nmis nmis9=/tmp/nmis9.nmis
    This will compare the keys. But if we want to compare the values (To compare, the default configuration file and the customised, to see want has changed):
Code Block
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=compare_custom default=/usr/local/nmis9/conf-default/Config.nmis custom=/usr/local/nmis9/conf/Config.nmis

  • Then, fix file permissions:
Code Block
/usr/local/nmis9/bin/nmis-cli act=fixperms

Model Files

We can move all the model customisations in the models-custom directory. We can use rsync for this again. 

NOTE Some models may need to be adjusted. Specially if they are using nmis internal functions.


We have moved the conf/plugins directory using rsync. But the custom plugins need to be adapted to NMIS9.

Here you can find further information.

Step 6. Copy RRDs

Link to Step 3 Copy RRDs above 

Step 7: Verify

Link to Step 5 Verify above

Upgrade process (II): Installing apps (OMK)


  • The destination server is a brand new server with nmis9 installed. 
  • nmis9 has been running for a couple of cycles to create the inventory. Then, it should be stopped. 
  • We would need the last installers from all the products in the /tmp directory. 

Step 1. Installers running

Run the installers for each application. All the data should be automatically migrated. 

Step 2. Customise configuration

Same steps as the other procedure. 

Step 3. opConfig data

Run the migration script:

Code Block
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=migrate-nodes debug=9

Step 4. opReports data

Same steps as the other procedure.

Step 5. opCharts data

Run the migration script:

Code Block
/usr/local/omk/bin/opcharts-cli.exe act=migrate-monitored-services dir=/usr/local/nmis8/var/service_status debug=1


  • It is important to update nmis 9 first and leave running for a couple of poll cycles so inventory is created. nmis9 will create its own inventory, as this is now saved in the db and has a specific format. These data will be used for other scripts from the apps to migrate some data. 
  • opconfig and opevents share the same database in the old version. This is because the products database name should be changed to "nmis", the old database name. 
  • nmis8 didn't use mongo. This is because opConfig has its own nodes database. We don't want to replicate information, so now opConfig will use nmisng database to get the nodes information. We would need to use the opConfig migration script to port some specific configurations from the internal database to nmis.