Recommended Pre Upgrade Checks
Operating System Checks
- Check free disk space
- Baseline CPU and memory utilisation
- If possible, a snapshot (and or full/incremental backup depending on your organisation's backup strategy) of the server should be recommended
FirstWave Module Checks
- opCharts node status checks - take note of the node and status counts
- opEvents - confirm events are being received on the pollers and (where applicable in a opHA environment) forwarded to the primary.
- opHA - on the primary opHA home page, confirm all pollers and primary are showing all green. If possible screenshot the server/en/omk/opHA/verify page for validation after upgrade
- NMIS9 - ensure custom models and model edits are in the /usr/local/nmis9/models-custom directory NOT the models-default directory
- opConfig - At this time upgrades will overwrite custom pharsebook's (pb's), if you have custom pb's make a copy and save to separate directory
Post Upgrade Checks
Operating System Checks
- Check free disk space
- Confirm CPU and memory utilisation is within pre upgrade baseline levels
FirstWave Module Checks
- opCharts - confirm node and status counts are the same or similar post change.
- opEvents - confirm events are being received on the pollers and forwarded to the primary.
- opHA - on the primary opHA home page, confirm all pollers and primary are showing all green.