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titleGoogle Maps API

Starting June 2018 Google has updated their licensing guidelines for the Google Maps API. Please see this article for more information: Google Maps API Key



Join Paul McClendon, an Opmantek Support Engineer, as he demonstrates how to create a geographical map in opCharts.

Widget Connector

The Geographical Maps style Map allows the user to create live geographical maps based on the Google Maps API. A menu listing of all available Maps can be accessed by selecting Views -> Maps from the opCharts menu bar.

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Creating a New Geographical Map

1. A Geographical Map must be created before it can be used or added to a Dashboard. To create a new Map, Click the "+" icon from the Maps screen (Views -> Maps).

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2. Next, select Geographical Map from the Map Type drop-down located in the top-left corner.


The Add Node button allows you to add an individual Node to the Map. The Display Name and Icon fields have no effect in a Geographical Map. 

Link to Map
If set, the Link to Map option will open a new Dashboard rather than opening the Node detail window URL when the icon link is clicked. You can select either a Map on the current server, or by selecting Custom use any URL (even to other software/sites). This is especially powerful - allowing you to drill down from a top-level abstract diagram to more in-depth levels of detail.

By default the Link to Map / Custom option opens the target in the current browser window. However, you can force opCharts to open the link in a new tab/window by enclosing the link URL in double quotes and following it with target=_blank i.e "" target=_blank


Link to Map


Once the node is added it may be moved around the Map by left-clicking and dragging it to position.


The Add Link button adds a physical connecting line between 2 Nodes or 2 Groups. The Link Name field has no effect in a Geographical Map .These liks links are convenient ways to show relationships between Nodes/Groups, without linking those relationships to specific interfaces or data patterns.


Editing Nodes in the Geographical Map

Nodes on While the Geographical Geographic Map is in Edit mode Nodes can be moved and the map re-centered (as well as zoomed in/out) but the nodes cannot be edited or deleted. Right clicking on a Node icon will allow you to Edit the node details or Delete the node.

Locating and Centering the Map


When you save your Geographical Map opCharts will store the center location of the map and zoom state. However, when used in a Dashboard, the final display size will be driven by the size of the Component window the Map is contained within. Some testing and adjustment may be necessary.

As of opCharts version 3.2.2 you can Zoom Lock the maps preventing them from zooming in and out when you scroll your mouse wheel.





 This option can be toggled on or off by the check box as shown in the screenshot below:

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Geographical Maps clustering

As of opCharts version 3.2.6 Geographical maps will cluster items on the map that are too close together. You can get more information on the devices in the Cluster by clicking on the 12/12 icon as displayed in the image below. In this example, the Cluster Icon is indicating that there are 12 out of 12 reachable devices.

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To disable this feature you can set opcharts_maps_geographical_clustering to 0 in /usr/local/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis