Learning and Understanding Perl
Learning and Understanding Perl
You DO not need to learn Perl to use NMIS, Perl is however a powerful, elegant and thoughtful language for solving real problems. You can do low level things like C with the ease of scripts like BASH, and everything in between. BUT the real power of Perl is CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, someone somewhere has probably already solved your problem and published something on CPAN.
Perl Online References
Some great web pages to learn about Perl
- Perl Tutorial for Beginners: Learn in 1 Day
- Learn Perl in about 2 hours 30 minutes
- Introduction to Perl
Perl Tutorial Videos - Online Training
- Perl 5 Tutorials | Essential Training
Please comment if you know some more good ones.
Perl Basics
Perl Data Types
- Scalar -> $variable
- Array -> @array
- Associative Array (hash) -> %hash
- Combinations to make complex types easily (looks confusing but very powerful)
- Array of hashes $array[$i]->{$key}
- Hash of hashes $hash{$key}{$var}
- Multi-dimensional $var->{$key}->[0]->{$thing}
Use it!
use strict;
Perl if statement
use strict; my $string = "this is a string"; if ( $string eq "string" ) { print "$string is the same as \"string\"\n"; } elsif ( $string =~ /string/ ) { print "regex match $string has \"string\" in it\n"; } elsif ( $string == 100 ) { print "$string is the number 100\n"; } else { print "Else Nothing\n"; }
Perl Loops -> While
while (condition) { # do something }
Perl Loops -> for
use strict; my @array = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#array; ++$i ) { print “i=$array[$i]\n”; }
Perl Loops -> foreach
use strict; my @array = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); foreach my $i ( @array ) { print “i=$i\n”; }
Open a file and loop through
use strict; my $match = "blah"; my $file = "textfile.txt"; my $lines = 0; open (DATA, $file) or die "ERROR with $file. $!"; while (<DATA>) { chomp; # not necessary but gets rid of trailing spaces and newlines. if ( $_ =~ /$match/) { print "$lines: $_\n"; } ++$lines; }