Lanner IP Address Change

Lanner IP Address Change



Saisei Traffic Manager

  Changing the Lanner Default IP Address 



The Saisei Traffic Manager now ships pre installed on a Lanner 7573A server. This server is shipped with a default static IP address which should be changed prior to installation into a customer network.

This document details how to change the IP in the system prior to usage, the change MUST be made through the STM GUI to ensure that ALL relevant Ubuntu files are modified in accordance with the requirements of the STM itself.

Under no circumstances should a user change the IP by using the Ubuntu shell.


Configuring an External Device IP

The Lanner ships with a default static IP address of, mask of and default gateway of




It is recommended that a PC or Laptop be directly connected to the STM using port 5 on the Lanner which is the Management Ethernet Interface. The connecting device, PC/Laptop should be given an IP configuration of:

  • IP –

  • Mask –

  • Default Gateway –

The Windows setup may be seen as follows: -



Connecting to the STM GUI

In the directly connected PC/Laptop open a browser window (Chrome or Firefox) and connect to the STM GUI using:

The STM will send a login window as follows:


The user name is:  “admin” with a password of:  “FlowCommand#1”.

The system will then display the “Overview” page: 



The next step is to select the “FlowCommand” tab: 



And from there select the “Management Interfaces” entry in the Navigation Tree to reveal the Management Interface table: -



Next select the “mgmt0” line entry and use the “Modify” button to display the Modify dialogue window: -


You may choose to use a DHCP address in which case uncheck the “Configured Static” check box or set the appropriate static IP address together with subnet and the default gateway as required.

After making your changes hit the Modify button, at this point a warning message will be displayed: 


Prior to reloading the system use the Configuration Save button upper right corner of the GUI display: -


Please also make sure that prior to any reload the Management Ethernet Cable is moved from you Laptop/PC interface to it’s final network connection point, this is very important if DHCP is the chosen option.

To reload the system select the “System” tab: 


The select the “Reload” sub tab:


And finally use the “Restart xxxx” button to initiate the reload of the device.

Following a successful reboot you can press and hold the “<” button under the Lanner LCD display to reveal the current IP address.

