opAddress Release Notes


This is a brief overview of the major changes between opAddress releases.

Download opAddress here - https://opmantek.com/network-management-download/opaddress-downloads/

Product Compatibility

Refer to product compatibility to determine supported Operating Systems and Database Versions.

opAddress 2.4.0

RELEASED 9 July 2024

Support for MongoDB 6.0 please see Upgrading to MongoDB 6.0

opAddress 2.3.2

RELEASED 30 January 2024

  • Added support for Debian 11 to the installer

opAddress 2.3.1

RELEASED 26 June 2023

  • Small release to deliver enhancements to dark mode.

opAddress 2.3.0

RELEASED 23 November 2022

Big release with an upgraded GUI framework to deliver accessibility enhancements and dark mode.


  • This release includes improved Accessibility options, including support for Dark Mode. We have taken the opportunity while we tidied up the screens to change Opmantek to FirstWave. These are new features that are backward compatible with earlier releases.

opAddress 2.2.2

RELEASED 18th August, 2022.

Support for MongoDB 4.2 please see Upgrading to MongoDB 4.2

opAddress 2.2.1

This was an internal release

opAddress 2.1.1

18th January, 2022.

  • Minor update that allows a user to activate a free 20-node license.

opAddress 2.1.0

1 Dec 2021

opAddress 2.0.1

Bugfix a connection leak issue.

opAddress 2.0.0

This is a maintenance release to bring opAddress compatibility with NMIS 9. opAddress 2.0.0 will not work with NMIS 8.

The GUI has also been updated to reflect the current style of Opmantek applications.

opAddress 1.2.0

RELEASED 13 Dec 2021


  • Added secrets randomise and secure cookies. For more information see Security Configurations
  • Updated jQuery dependencies.

opAddress 1.1.0

This is a maintenance release to provide support for the new Opmantek build system. It was released on 11 Dec 2020.

opAddress 1.0.6

This is a maintenance release which primarily fixes bugs. It was released on 11 Apr 2018.

Please note that the licensing system has been updated, and licenses issued before July 2017 will not work for opAddress 1.0.6: You will have to obtain an updated license for this version of opAddress.
You can check your licenses by visiting the My Licenses page; If unsure about your options, please email contact@opmantek.com.


  • Lots of installer improvements and robustness fixes
  • Subnet scans are now more robust and don't terminate on first error.
    If any errors should be encountered they are added to the operational status record.
  • Destructive operations in the GUI now require confirmation.
  • opAddress now automatically purges old operational status and old history entries.
    Configuration options opaddress_opstatus_maxage (default: 1 week) and opaddress_history_maxage (default: 1 year) control the purging behaviour.
  • Various database-related performance improvements
  • Various bug fixes and general robustness improvements