opCharts 1.3.0 Upgrade Guide


  • A running opCharts system
  • A new version downloaded to /tmp/
  • A new version of rrdtool-omk downloaded to /tmp/


Stop Daemon

service omkd stop


# upgrade
cd /usr/local
tar zxvf /tmp/opCharts-Linux-x86_64-1.3.0.tgz
tar zxvf /tmp/rrdtool-binpkg-5.16.tgz

Update Configuration 

conf/opCommon.nmis (update to these values):
  'opcharts_gui_default_chart_x' => 4,
  'opcharts_gui_full_size_x' => 5,

In addition, you will probably want to update all size_x in conf/charts/dashboards.json.  The easiest way to do this is to copy install/charts/dashboards.json overtop of your existing file, beware this will remove any dashboards you may have created.  To update the file manually edit conf/charts/dashboards.json:

Search for:
"size_x" : 2 (or "2")
Replace with:
"size_x" : 4

Start Daemon

# start service
service omkd start 

Important Next Steps

  • Load GUI and accept EULA