opExport Upgrade Instructions

opExport Upgrade Instructions


The new version will need to be downloaded and this tutorial assumes you have put it in /tmp, it can be anywhere you like but you will have to adjust the command to untar. 

scp opExport-New-Version.tar.gz user@server:/tmp/

Upgrade Steps

cd /usr/local
  1. Backup old installation 

    cp -r omk omk-backup-<date>/ 
  2. Stop the current service (note, if your server is running multiple omkd then you will need to use ps -ef to find the correct one).  The opmante.exe WITHOUT the webserver is the one we want.

    #more than one omkd use these instructions, note: do not use service omkd stop if you have more than one opmantek.exe
     ps -ef | grep opmantek.exe
    [root@server ~]# ps -ef | grep opmantek.exe
     root 944 742 0 20:44 pts/0 00:00:00 grep opmantek.exe
     root 16533 1 8 Dec12 ? 09:44:54 opmantek.exe
     root 20229 1 0 Dec06 ? 00:02:10 opmantek.exe webserver 
    kill 16533 # (leave 20229, it is not opExport)
    ps aux | grep opmantek.exe  
  3. Untar the new version 

    cd /usr/local
    tar -zxvf /tmp/opExport-New-Version.tar.gz 
  4. Upgrade the configuration 

    cd /usr/local/omk
    ./bin/opupdateconfig.pl ./install/opCommon.nmis ./conf/opCommon.nmis
  5. Clean up old files (very important if server has fallen behind)

    rm /usr/local/omk/log/*
    rm -rf /usr/local/omk/var/perf/*
  6. Start the service back up 

    service omkd start
  7. Load the upgraded GUI in a web browser http://your.upgraded.server.name.or.ip:3000/omk/opExport, accept the EULA
  8. Load the MySQL Server GUI in web browser http://your.MySQL.Server:3000/omk/opExport, push the schema to the upgraded server