opCharts Remote Data Widget

opCharts Remote Data Widget

Requires opCharts-4.0.9 and Above.

opCharts can display tabular data from most JSON endpoints which required no authentication or support token / bearer header tokens.

In this example we are showing weather data from the Gold Coast using the openweathermap.org API

Name(tick)Name of the component which is shown under the opCharts data sources when creating a dashboard
data_source_type(tick)remote_json is used for opCharts to know it needs to make this type of request
model_view(tick)opmantek-remote-json for the table view, opmantek-pie to show the data in a pie chart
options.titleText(tick)Title of the component shown on the dashboard
remote_paramaters.url(tick)URL of your endpoint which returns JSON data


server or client, defaults to server
true or false, omkd_log_level also has to be debug for the web request to written into opCharts.log
Opmantek Token Auth
opCharts - Customising Table Columns
Hyperlink which displays on the top right of the component
Label for the hyperlink
Pie View only, default to true, use false to hide the legen


  "name": "Weather in Gold Coast, AU",
  "data_source_type" : "remote_json",
  "model_view" : "opmantek-remote-json",
  "options": {
    "titleText": "Weather in Gold Coast, AU"
  "remote_paramaters": {
    "pagination": "client",
    "url": "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?id=2165087&APPID=__YOUR__API__KEY__&units=metric",
    "data_key": "list"
  "table_schema": [
    { "name": "dt",
      "label": "Timestamp",
      "cell": "String",
      "formatter": "UnixTime",
      "editable": false
    { "name": "wind.speed",
      "label": "Wind Speed",
      "cell": "ColouredByLevel",
      "levels": ["red", 75, "orange", 50, "yellow", 25, "green", 0],
      "editable": false
    { "name": "main.temp",
      "label": "Temp",
      "cell": "ColouredByLevel",
      "editable": false,
      "levels": ["red", 30, "orange", 25, "yellow", 18, "green", 0]
    { "name": "wind.deg",
      "label": "Wind Direction",
      "cell": "String",
      "editable": false
    { "name": "main.pressure",
      "label": "Pressure",
      "cell": "String",
      "editable": false
    { "name": "main.humidity",
      "label": "Humidity",
      "cell": "ColouredByLevel",
      "levels": ["red", 75, "orange", 50, "yellow", 25, "green", 0],
      "editable": false
    { "name": "weather.0.description",
      "label": "Forcast",
      "cell": "String",
      "editable": false

Pie Chart

Showing your own data in the pie chart

Pie Data
  "replyData": {
    "data": [{
      "name": "irukandji.opmantek.com:magni.opmantek.com:UDP:32760",
      "y": 56.17
    }, {
      "name": "Other",
      "y": 14.18
    }, {
      "name": "magni.opmantek.com:irukandji.opmantek.com:UDP:32760",
      "y": 10.35
    }, {
      "name": "vgw120-example.com:auto-141.opmantek.com:trivnet1",
      "y": 4.82
    }, {
      "name": "auto-119.opmantek.com:ec2-",
      "y": 3.6
    }, {
      "name": "auto-141.opmantek.com:vgw120-example.com:trivnet1",
      "y": 3.25
    }, {
      "name": "magni.opmantek.com:",
      "y": 2.39
    }, {
      "name": "magni.opmantek.com:kraken.opmantek.com:UDP:32760",
      "y": 1.84
    }, {
      "name": "vali.opmantek.com:",
      "y": 1.77
    }, {
      "name": "kraken.opmantek.com:magni.opmantek.com:UDP:32760",
      "y": 1.63

Example component definition to show a pie chart from opFlow

  "name": "Pie TopN - Agent asgard",
  "data_source_type" : "remote_json",
  "model_view" : "opmantek-pie",
  "options": {
    "titleText": "Pie TopN - Agent asgard"
  "remote_paramaters": {
    "auth_type": "omk_token",
    "url": "http://example.opmantek.com/en/omk/opFlowSP/agent/",
    "requestData" : {
      "data_source": "",
      "dataset_id": 0,
      "model": "opFlow_flows_summary",
      "model_group": 1,
      "model_view": "pie",
      "parameters": {
        "agent" : "5db27d6a731c248b9b953e0a",
        "axis": 0,
        "end_date_raw": null,
        "field": null,
        "filter": null,
        "graph_type": null,
        "group_by": ["src_ip", "dst_ip", "application"],
        "groupby": ["dnsname_src_ip", "dnsname_dst_ip", "application"],
        "interfaces" : {
          "out" : [
          "in" : [
        "lineType": "line",
        "summarise": 300,
        "summary_field": "octets",
        "topn": 10,
        "value_column": "octets"
      "translations": [{
        "name": "topn",
        "parameters": {
          "key_columns": ["src_ip", "dst_ip", "application", "app_port"],
          "summary_kvps": ["application", 0, "octets", 2, "packets", 2, "flows", 2, "app_port", 0],
          "topn": 10,
          "value_column": "octets"
      }, {
        "name": "apply_dnsname",
        "parameters": {}
  "private": {
    "token": "whateverSuitsU!"

How to use the widget

The first step to create a new component is to add the json descriptor file in the path (A content example can be seen in the example above):


Once the file is created it can be used as a component in a Dashboard. 

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