Here are some examples for using the Open-AudIT API via Postman.
When beginning a new request, we always logon and store the returned cookie for future use. In addition to the cookie, if we want to create a resource (Orgs, Locations, Credentials, Discoveries, et al) we need to provide an access token. An access token is generated with every request (except logon) and any of the last 20 (by default, settable in the configuration) will be accepted. You should always aim to use the last access token issued. An example token is in the Get Device List response, below.
Updated for Open-AudIT 3.5.4 onward on 2021-11-29.
Section | |||
URL | POST | http://localhost/open-audit/index.php/logon | |
Headers | Accept | application/json | |
Body | Type | form-data | |
Key | username | admin | |
Key | password | password |
{ "access_token": "[]", "active": "y", "dashboard_id": "1", "devices_default_display_columns": "", "edited_by": "Administrator", "edited_date": "2024-10-02 11:40:15", "email": "admin@openaudit", "full_name": "Administrator", "id": 1, "lang": "en", "ldap": "", "list_table_format": "", "name": "admin", "org_id": 1, "orgs": "[1]", "password": "", "roles": [ "admin", "org_admin" ], "toolbar_style": "icontext", "type": "user" }
Read Devices
Logon as above, then.
Section | ||
URL | GET | http://localhost/open-audit/index.php/devices |
Headers | Accept | application/json |
Note - restricted to one item in the data array, normally you will retrieve all items.
{ "meta": { "action": "collection", "collection": "devices", "request_method": "GET", "remote_addr": "::1", "format": "json", "id": null, "access_token": "60485c922d98010d0b6e9a746b15bd50144eccc18ef8896ad28e1e11fc3f", "baseurl": "http://localhost:8080/", "debug": false, "filtered": 1, "groupby": "", "header": 200, "include": "", "license_string": "", "limit": 1, "microtime": 1728348706.632546, "offset": 0, "properties": [ "", "devices.icon", "devices.type", "", "devices.ip", "devices.uuid", "devices.hostname", "devices.dns_hostname", "devices.domain", "devices.dns_domain", "devices.dbus_identifier", "devices.fqdn", "devices.dns_fqdn", "devices.description", "devices.os_group", "devices.os_family", "devices.os_name", "devices.os_version", "devices.manufacturer", "devices.model", "devices.serial", "devices.form_factor", "devices.status", "devices.environment", "devices.class", "devices.function", "devices.org_id", "devices.location_id", "devices.snmp_oid", "devices.sysDescr", "devices.sysObjectID", "devices.sysUpTime", "devices.sysContact", "devices.sysName", "devices.sysLocation", "devices.first_seen", "devices.last_seen", "devices.last_seen_by", "devices.identification", "devices.tags" ], "query_string": "limit=1", "requestor": "", "server_app_version": "5.6.0", "server_platform": "MacOS 15.0.1 Sequoia", "sort": "", "time_start": 1728348706.64449, "time_end": 1728348706.714915, "time_elapsed": "0.08", "total": 111, "timestamp": "2024-10-08 10:51:46", "timezone": "UTC +10:00", "version": 1, "filter": [ { "name": "devices.org_id", "function": "whereIn", "operator": "in", "value": [ "1" ] } ], "received_data": [], "sql": [], "heading": "Devices", "icon": "fa fa-desktop", "data_order": [ "id", "icon", "type", "name", "ip", "uuid", "hostname", "dns_hostname", "domain", "dns_domain", "dbus_identifier", "fqdn", "dns_fqdn", "description", "os_group", "os_family", "os_name", "os_version", "manufacturer", "model", "serial", "form_factor", "status", "environment", "class", "function", "org_id", "location_id", "snmp_oid", "sysDescr", "sysObjectID", "sysUpTime", "sysContact", "sysName", "sysLocation", "first_seen", "last_seen", "last_seen_by", "identification", "tags" ] }, "links": {}, "included": { "antivirus": 8, "audit_log": 140, "bios": 70, "change_log": 12642, "disk": 342, "dns": 0, "edit_log": 3006, "file": 35, "firewall": 3, "firewall_rule": 1073, "executable": 101, "ip": 301, "log": 742, "memory": 128, "module": 619, "monitor": 27, "motherboard": 62, "netstat": 2524, "network": 618, "nmap": 65, "optical": 23, "pagefile": 26, "partition": 422, "policy": 1033, "print_queue": 10, "processor": 77, "route": 947, "server": 65, "server_item": 134, "service": 12164, "share": 47, "software": 43305, "software_key": 35, "sound": 58, "task": 4339, "user": 1689, "user_group": 2375, "variable": 2142, "video": 75, "vm": 89, "windows": 39 }, "logs": [], "data": [ { "id": 5, "type": "devices", "attributes": { "id": 5, "icon": "redhat", "type": "computer", "name": "redhat9", "ip": "", "uuid": "9d762f99-55cb-5f42-a4ea-3704c5be0333", "hostname": "redhat9", "dns_hostname": "redhat9", "domain": "open-audit.lan", "dns_domain": "open-audit.local", "dbus_identifier": "db348c97aadf4b38847d236483fe9f79", "fqdn": "", "dns_fqdn": "", "description": "", "os_group": "Linux", "os_family": "RedHat", "os_name": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.4 (Plow)", "os_version": "9.4", "manufacturer": "innotek GmbH", "model": "VirtualBox", "serial": "", "form_factor": "Virtual", "status": "production", "environment": "production", "class": "server", "function": "", "org_id": 1, "location_id": 1, "snmp_oid": "", "sysDescr": "", "sysObjectID": "", "sysUpTime": "", "sysContact": "", "sysName": "", "sysLocation": "", "first_seen": "2024-08-27 14:43:31", "last_seen": "2024-09-27 13:20:29", "last_seen_by": "audit_ssh", "identification": "Server from innotek GmbH", "tags": [], "": "Default Organisation", "": 1, "": "Default Location", "": 1, "mycount": "1", "audit_class": "fa fa-check text-success", "audit_text": "Discovered and audited computer.", "ip_padded": "" } } ] }
Create Discovery
Logon as above, then request list of devices (or any available endpoint) so we can use the meta → access_token in our request (see above response).
Section | |||
URL | POST | http://localhost/omk/open-audit/discoveries | |
Headers | Accept | application/json | |
Body | Type | form-data | |
Key | data | { |
Note, generated from a discoveries read. The actual output should be almost identical.
{ "data": [ { "attributes": { "ad_domain": "", "ad_server": "", "cloud_id": 1, "cloud_name": "", "command_options": "", "description": "Subnet -", "devices_assigned_to_location": null, "devices_assigned_to_org": null, "discard": "n", "duration": "00:00:00", "edited_by": "Administrator", "edited_date": "2021-11-29 13:16:53", "id": 3, "ip_all_count": 0, "ip_audited_count": 0, "ip_discovered_count": 0, "ip_responding_count": 0, "ip_scanned_count": 0, "last_finished": "2000-01-01 00:00:00", "last_run": "2000-01-01 00:00:00", "match_options": { "match_dbus": "", "match_dns_fqdn": "", "match_dns_hostname": "", "match_fqdn": "", "match_hostname": "", "match_hostname_dbus": "", "match_hostname_serial": "", "match_hostname_uuid": "", "match_ip": "", "match_ip_no_data": "", "match_mac": "", "match_mac_vmware": "", "match_serial": "", "match_serial_type": "", "match_sysname": "", "match_sysname_serial": "", "match_uuid": "" }, "name": "My Testing Discovery", "network_address": "", "org_id": 1, "": 1, "scan_options": { "exclude_ip": "", "exclude_tcp_ports": "", "exclude_udp_ports": "", "filtered": "", "id": "1", "nmap_tcp_ports": "", "nmap_udp_ports": "", "open|filtered": "", "ping": "", "script_timeout": "", "service_version": "", "snmp_timeout": "", "ssh_ports": "", "ssh_timeout": "", "tcp_ports": "", "timeout": "", "timing": "", "udp_ports": "", "wmi_timeout": "" }, "seed_ip": "", "seed_ping": "y", "seed_restrict_to_private": "y", "seed_restrict_to_subnet": "y", "status": "", "subnet": "", "": 0, "system_id": 0, "type": "subnet" }, "id": 3, "links": { "self": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit/discoveries/3" }, "type": "discoveries" } ], "included": [], "issues": [], "meta": { "access_token": "ef4421add7e6f2741a2830a1b0262d3b678cc33efdacdd9442d5a871f474", "action": "read", "as_at": "", "baseurl": "http://dev.local/omk/open-audit", "collection": "discoveries", "current": "y", "data_order": [ "", "", "discoveries.org_id", "discoveries.description", "discoveries.type", "discoveries.subnet", "discoveries.seed_ip", "discoveries.seed_restrict_to_subnet", "discoveries.seed_restrict_to_private", "discoveries.seed_ping", "discoveries.ad_domain", "discoveries.ad_server", "discoveries.devices_assigned_to_org", "discoveries.devices_assigned_to_location", "discoveries.network_address", "discoveries.system_id", "discoveries.scan_options", "discoveries.match_options", "discoveries.command_options", "discoveries.discard", "discoveries.last_run", "discoveries.last_finished", "discoveries.duration", "discoveries.status", "discoveries.ip_all_count", "discoveries.ip_responding_count", "discoveries.ip_scanned_count", "discoveries.ip_discovered_count", "discoveries.ip_audited_count", "discoveries.cloud_id", "discoveries.cloud_name", "discoveries.edited_by", "discoveries.edited_date", "", "" ], "debug": false, "filter": [], "filtered": 1, "format": "json", "groupby": "", "header": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", "heading": "Discoveries", "id": 3, "include": "", "limit": 1000, "nmap_version": 7, "offset": 0, "properties": ".*", "query_parameters": [], "query_string": "", "received_data": [], "request_method": "GET", "requestor": "commercial", "server_app_version": "4.3.0", "server_platform": "Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)", "sort": "", "sub_resource": "", "timestamp": "2021-11-29 13:24:45", "timezone": "UTC +1000", "total": 1, "version": 1 } }
Update Discovery
Logon as above, then.
Section | |||
URL | PATCH | http://localhost/omk/open-audit/discoveries/5 | |
Headers | Accept | application/json | |
Body | Type | x-www-form-urlencoded | |
Key | data | { |
Note - generated from pre 3.5.4. Attribute outputs will be as above for 3.5.4 onward.
{ "data": [ { "attributes": { "description": "Subnet -", "devices_assigned_to_location": null, "devices_assigned_to_org": null, "discard": "n", "duration": "00:00:00", "edited_by": "Administrator", "edited_date": "2020-03-24 14:13:36", "id": 5, "ip_all_count": 0, "ip_audited_count": 0, "ip_discovered_count": 0, "ip_responding_count": 0, "ip_scanned_count": 0, "last_finished": "2000-01-01 00:00:00", "last_run": "2000-01-01 00:00:00", "name": "My New Name OMK", "network_address": "", "options": "", "org_id": 1, "": 1, "other": { "nmap": { "discovery_scan_option_id": "1", "exclude_ip": "", "exclude_tcp_ports": "", "exclude_udp_ports": "", "filtered": "n", "nmap_tcp_ports": "0", "nmap_udp_ports": "0", "ping": "y", "service_version": "n", "ssh_ports": "22", "tcp_ports": "22,135,62078", "timeout": "0", "timing": "4", "udp_ports": "161" }, "subnet": "" }, "status": "", "": 0, "system_id": 0, "type": "subnet" }, "id": 5, "links": { "self": "/omk/open-audit/discoveries/5" }, "type": "discoveries" } ], "errors": [], "included": [], "links": { "first": null, "last": null, "next": null, "prev": null, "self": "http://localhost/omk/open-audit/discoveries/5" }, "meta": { "access_token": "47049142d113e4e316ae4219afdf54d6a6d034ff779a42fd5198a720da2e", "action": "update", "baseurl": "http://localhost/omk/open-audit", "collection": "discoveries", "current": "y", "data_order": [ "", "", "discoveries.org_id", "discoveries.description", "discoveries.type", "discoveries.devices_assigned_to_org", "discoveries.devices_assigned_to_location", "discoveries.network_address", "discoveries.system_id", "discoveries.options", "discoveries.discard", "discoveries.last_run", "discoveries.last_finished", "discoveries.duration", "discoveries.status", "discoveries.ip_all_count", "discoveries.ip_responding_count", "discoveries.ip_scanned_count", "discoveries.ip_discovered_count", "discoveries.ip_audited_count", "discoveries.edited_by", "discoveries.edited_date", "", "", "other.subnet", "other.nmap" ], "debug": false, "filter": [], "filtered": "", "format": "json", "groupby": "", "header": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", "heading": "Discoveries", "id": 5, "ids": 0, "include": "", "limit": 1000, "offset": 0, "properties": "*", "query_parameters": [], "query_string": "", "received_data": { "attributes": { "id": 5, "name": "My New Name OMK" }, "id": 5, "type": "discoveries" }, "request_method": "PATCH", "requestor": "", "sort": "", "sub_resource": "", "sub_resource_id": 0, "timestamp": "2020-03-24 14:13:36", "timezone": "UTC +1000", "total": 0, "version": 1 } }
Delete Discovery
Logon as above, then.
Section | ||
URL | DELETE | http://localhost/omk/open-audit/discoveries/5 |
Headers | Accept | application/json |
{ "meta": { "access_token": "530d34dc6304ebd361d088d7831e4ce9d276ac8a4826837bdf36e8e84c87", "action": "delete", "baseurl": "http://localhost/open-audit/", "collection": "discoveries", "current": "y", "debug": false, "filtered": "", "format": "json", "groupby": "", "header": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", "id": 5, "ids": 0, "include": "", "limit": 1000, "offset": 0, "properties": "*", "query_string": "", "request_method": "DELETE", "requestor": "", "sort": "", "sub_resource": "", "sub_resource_id": 0, "total": 0, "timestamp": "2020-03-24 14:22:38", "timezone": "UTC +1000", "version": 1, "filter": [], "query_parameters": [], "received_data": [], "heading": "Discoveries", "data_order": [] }, "links": { "self": "http://localhost/open-audit/index.php/discoveries/5", "first": null, "last": null, "next": null, "prev": null }, "included": [], "data": [ { "type": "discoveries" } ] }