NMIS Threshold Configuration
NMIS includes a powerful thresholding feature, for comparing the collected performance data against the configured thresholds.
For details on configuring thresholds please refer to Basic and Advanced Thresholds in NMIS8
Standard List of Thresholds in NMIS
This is a summary of the thresholds and the associated vendors.
Threshold Name | Event | Vendor |
available | Proactive Interface Availability | Common for all Vendors |
calls_util | Proactive Calls Utilisation | Cisco |
ccpu | Proactive CPU | Cisco |
cpu | Proactive CPU | Cisco (the most common for Cisco devices) |
cpuUtil | Proactive CPU | Alcatel, Zyxel |
cpu_cpm | Proactive CPU | Cisco |
env_temp | Proactive Temp | Cisco, Zyxel |
hrsmpcpu | Proactive CPU | Microsoft |
jnx_buffer | Proactive Buffer Utilisation | Juniper |
jnx_cpu | Proactive CPU | Juniper |
jnx_heap | Proactive Heap Utilisation | Juniper |
jnx_temp | Proactive Temp | Juniper |
mem-proc | Proactive Memory Free | Cisco |
memUtil | Proactive Memory Utilisation | Alcatel, Zyxel |
modem_dead | Proactive Dead Modem | Cisco |
modem_unav | Proactive Modem Utilisation | Cisco |
pkt_discards_in | Proactive Interface Discards Input Packets | Common for all Vendors |
pkt_discards_out | Proactive Interface Discards Output Packets | Common for all Vendors |
pkt_errors_in | Proactive Interface Error Input Packets | Common for all Vendors |
pkt_errors_out | Proactive Interface Error Output Packets | Common for all Vendors |
reachable | Proactive Reachability | Common for all Vendors |
response | Proactive Response Time | Common for all Vendors |
ssCpuRawIdle | Proactive CPU IO Idle | net-snmp (Linux, Solaris, etc) |
ssCpuRawSystem | Proactive CPU IO System | net-snmp (Linux, Solaris, etc) |
ssCpuRawUser | Proactive CPU IO User | net-snmp (Linux, Solaris, etc) |
ssCpuRawWait | Proactive CPU IO Wait | net-snmp (Linux, Solaris, etc) |
util_in | Proactive Interface Input Utilisation | Common for all Vendors |
util_out | Proactive Interface Output Utilisation | Common for all Vendors |
Tracking Which Threshold to Change
If you are receiving events for a threshold and you are wanting to tune/modify those thresholds, the best way to do this is to first get the name of the node and the event. Using the table above will help you to determine if this event is a vendor specific event or if it is common for all vendors.
In the case of an event which is common for all vendors, you can follow the documentation Basic and Advanced Thresholds in NMIS8 to modify the levels accordingly.
If the thresholds are vendor specific you will need to identify which "threshold name" to modify, the hardest one to find is the threshold for CPU, to determine which one, access the model for the node in question, and look in the model for how CPU is managed, for Cisco Routers it is in the system -> nodehealth section, this will include the names of the thresholds, e.g. the Section=nodehealth includes the relevant threshold variables at the bottom.
In this example the threshold name to modify is just "cpu" and the process is described in Basic and Advanced Thresholds in NMIS8.