The Open-AudIT API (1.12.8)
Open-AudIT is implementing a JSON Restful API. Te format of the request URLs will also be used in the web application (with a few extra pieces, see below re: action).
In short, you can all /devices using the API to retrieve a JSON document containing the devices as per the spec.
You can also call /devices in the web front end and retrieve the same list which is displayed in the web page and formatted as per the normal application theme.
Filtering, sorting and the other options apply equally to both the web frontend and to the JSON API.
NOTE - This API is not ready for a full release as yet and items below are subject to change.As at 1.12.8, this is how it stands.
NOTE - This page is incomplete and is being updated as we work towards a released version of the API.
Open-AudIT's API
Open-AudIT is basing it's API on with the intention of providing simple and intuitive access in a manner familiar to developers. In addition to this API, the web interface will use the same request/URI format and supply some additional actions.
Using the format option is useful when using a web browser but you wish to see the result in JSON format. Adding format=json achieves this. Normally a web browser will set its accept header to html, so in that case we return the rendered page. Using an API to retrieve JSON you should set the accept header to contain the string "json". That might be "json/application" or whatever you like. You can override this by providing the format option in the URL..
We tend to use the Google Chrome extension called Postman for testing actual restful queries. You might like to install and test with that.
To sort by a database column, user "sort={attribute}". To reverse sort, insert a minus, thus "sort=-{attribute}".
By default, only attributes with "current=y" are retrieved. To override this, set current as below.
When requesting JSON, by default no limit is set. When requesting screen display, limit is set to 1000 by default.
The offset is the count of devices you wish to return data from.
Requested properties should be in a comma separated list.
properties={attribute 1},{attribute 2},{attribute 3}
To filter by a property value, use the property name. Operators that should precede the value are !=, >, >=, <, <=, 'like' and '!like'. If no operator is specified, the default is =.
When requesting the details fo a resource (a device), if the request is JSON based only the 'system' table will be returned. NOT all the related tables. There will be links for these tables in the data->links section. If you would like the system tabel AND the bios table (for example) in a JSON request, you can use the 'include' keyword. An example would be a GET request with accept header as JSON to http://server/open-audit/index.php/devices?include=bios. For a HTML (web browser) formatted request, by default all related tables are included so the web page can render the device details as it has always done. When using include, you can use the keyword 'all' to retrieve all tables that contain related information.
To request a different version of the API (currently only v1 exists), use the url /api/{version}/devices or /v1/devices.
When using the API the default action is determined according to the request method and URL. You can override this by providing the 'action' option in the URL. This is only really required when using the web front end. Normal use of the API does not require you to set 'action'. An example of this is when creating a new item. You would normally use POST to /item but in the case of a web user, you need a web form to be able to fill out the item details. In that case there is no facility for this in a typical JSON restful API. We work around this by providing action=create in a GET request for the URL. IE - http://{server}/open-audit/index.php/networks?action=create.
Routing Table
The default action if notihng matches below is to return a collection of items.
* Not all routes are available on or apply to all endpoints.
** Actions ending in _form are for web form input
Request Method | id | action | sub_resource | sub_resource_id | Resulting Action | Notes | URL Example |
GET | N | collection | /devices | ||||
GET | N | create | create_form | /devices?action=create | |||
GET | Y/N | create | Y | sub_resource_create_form | /devices?action=create&sub_resource=credentials | ||
GET | N | import | import_form | /devices?action=import | |||
GET | Y | read | /devices/{id} | ||||
GET | Y | update | update_form | /devices/{id}?action=update | |||
GET | Y | download | download | /scripts/{id}?action=download | |||
GET | N | update | bulk_update_form | Should provide attribute "ids" which is a comma separated list of ID's upon which to bulk update. | /devices?action=update&ids=1,2,3,4 | ||
POST | N | create | /devices | ||||
POST | N | import | import | /devices?action=import | |||
POST / PUT / PATCH | Y | update | /devices/{id}?action=update | ||||
POST | Y | Y | sub_resource_create | /devices/{id}?sub_resource=credential | |||
DELETE | Y | N | delete | You cannot delete a default org, location or script. | /scripts/{id} | ||
DELETE | Y | Y | Y | sub_resource_delete | /devices/{id}/credential/{sub_resource_id} | ||
ALL | <empty> or list | collection | |||||
Examples of retrieving data
HTTP Verb | Accept | URL | Result | Example Response |
GET | JSON | /devices | Get a list of all devices. | devices.json |
GET | JSON | /devices?,,system.type,system.serial | Get a list of devices with the data id, name, type and serial | devices_properties.json |
GET | JSON | /devices?system.os_group=Windows | Get a list of devices with an OS Group of Linux. | devices_os_group_linux.json |
GET | JSON | /devices?sub_resource=ip&,,system.domain,ip.ip | Get a list of devices in the subnet. | devices_in_192-168-1-0.json |
GET | JSON | /devices/8 | Get the system table of device with id = 8. | devices_8.json |
GET | JSON | /devices/8?include=bios | Get the system table and bios table for device with ID = 8. | devices_8_include_bios.json |
GET | JSON | /devices/8/bios | Get the bios details (not the system table) for device with ID = 8. | devices_8_bios.json |
Example of updating a device
HTTP Verb | Accept | URL | Data | Result | Example Response |
PATCH | JSON | /devices/8 | { "data": { "type" : "devices", "id" : 8, "attributes" : { "description" : "my HP" } } } | Update the description of the device with ID = 8. | devices_8_patch_description.json |
Device sub_resource Names
audit_log | netstat | service |