
Open-AudIT is a discovery, audit and asset tracking and reporting system.

Open-AudIT tells you exactly what is on your network, how it is configured and when it changes. Open-AudIT is designed to be run on a server (Windows or Linux) and to scan your networks for devices. Once a device is found, Open-AudIT runs a series of commands upon it and stores the resulting data in a database. This data is then available for various reporting purposes. Open-AudIT comes with a list of over 50 reports with any number of additional reports able to be created by the user.

Table of Contents

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Release Notes

Key Documentation

These detailed guides, webinars, and blogs break down configuring Open-AudIT into manageable tasks and sub-tasks.


Getting device information into Open-AudIT.


Reporting on the information you have collected.


Managing collections of items.

How-To - General

About - General

Collections - General

Collections - Users


Supporting documentation about the Open-AudIT application itself.

Additional Documentation

Recently Updated

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