Install Open-AudIT on SUSE SLES 15.5

Install Open-AudIT on SUSE SLES 15.5

We have had a customer request for instructions on how to do this, so, after a bit of research are the manual steps to get Open-AudIT installed and working on SUSE Enterprise Server.

This is not part of the installer and it is the customers responsibility to install and upgrade their installs. This information is provided in the hope it will be of assistance, but no warranties, guarantees or even fit for purpose claims are made - you have been warned (smile)

First, install SLES 15. I used the SLES 15.,5 ISO in a virtual machine. I accepted the defaults, creating a user (using that password for the Administrator account) and assigning a hostname.

Once booted, it should show you the IP address. I then SSHed into it using the user created as part of the install.

SUSE doesn't have sudo installed by default, so run the below to switch to the root user.

su -

Now you will need to register the machine with SUSE using your Registration Code. This is obtained from SUSE after creating an account and activating a subscription.


After registering, perform a package update.

zypper update

And then reboot. OK, that's the OS installed - let's setup the required packages for Open-AudIT.

SSH back into the machine and switch to the root user (as above, su -).

I tend to use nano as an editor, so it's included in the the below install. If you prefer something else, include that. Nano is not required for Open-AudIT, I just like it (smile)

Nano is in the PackageHub repo, so we'll enable that.

SUSEConnect --product PackageHub/15.5/x86_64

And now install the dependencies.

zypper install apache2 apache2-mod_php81 curl ipmitool libnsl2 logrotate mariadb-server net-snmp nmap perl-Crypt-CBC perl-Time-ParseDate php php-cli php-intl php-ldap php-mbstring php-mysqli php-snmp php-sodium php-xml samba-client screen sshpass wget zip

Enable PHP.

a2enmod php

Edit the Apache config and enable following symlinks. We do not put our webfile in the standard Apache web directory. Rather we create a symlink to them in the install directory.

nano -l /etc/apache2/default-server.conf

Change the line:

Options None


Options FollowSymLinks

And save the file.

You can check the config is OK by running.

apachectl configtest

Assuming the config is OK, restart Apache and make sure it's enabled to always start.

systemctl restart apache2
systemctl enable apache2

Now on to MariaDB. Enable and Start it.

systemctl enable mariadb
systemctl start mariadb

Now run your Open-AudIT download from Firstwave.com (you may need to make it executable first).

chmod +x OAE-Linux-x86_64-release_5.2.2.run

Obviously proceed, even though the installer will complain about a non-supported distribution and packages.

Answer y to "Should I install anyway"

Answer y to "Should I set the default Open-AudIT root password to 'openauditrootuserpassword'"

Once the install is complete we need to manually perform a few steps.

Change directory to the standard Apache web root and create a link to the Open-AudIT web directory.

chown --recursive wwwrun:wwwrun /usr/local/open-audit
cd /srv/www/htdocs
ln -s /usr/local/open-audit/public open-audit
chown -h wwwrun:wwwrun open-audit

Allow HTTP and HTTPS through the firewall.

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http --add-service=https
systemctl restart firewalld

Next we need to SUID the Nmap binary. This is because running a UDP port scan requires elevated privileges.

chmod u+s `which nmap`

And you're done. You should be able to go to http://YOUR_SERVER_IP/open-audit/index.php and see the Open-AudIT logon page.

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