WAN Report

WAN Report

WAN Report

The WAN report displays the WAN Link performance for selected nodes. As of version 3.0.4, selection by interface is not supported and by default all interfaces being collected of selected nodes whose network type is "wan" are processed, this can be expanded to other network types be changing configuration option wan_nettypes in opCommon.nmis to include the required network types, changing this to "." (period) will apply to all network types.

Node details displayed are: status, conditions, actions, device, availability and response time.

For each interface on the node, the following are displayed: interface, speed, average utilisation, maximum utilisation, average inbound errors (in %), average outbound errors (in %), average inbound discards (in %), average outbound discards (in %), average inbound utilisation (in %), average outbound utilisation (in %), maximum inbound utilisation (in %), maximum outbound utilisation (in %).

The WAN report health rules are configurable (section opreport_rules) and the report type supports customisable detail levels for the display.

Exception Reporting

From opReports 4.5.1, a Show Exceptions Only option is available on the Layout tab of the report. In Show Exceptions Only mode, only the records where the wan_error_exception_threshold or wan_discards_exception_threshold or wanutil_exception_threshold is exceeded are displayed. These are documented in supports customisable detail levels.


The screen shot below is a view of the report where the WAN Report Level is set to default. The full report can be viewed by downloading the ZIP file Here

To set the WAN Report to display full details, click the drop-down menu from the Create On-Demand Report documented below.

When the WAN Report Level is set to Full Detail the report looks similar to the one below. The full report can be viewed by downloading the ZIP file Here

Notice the Full Details report gives quite a few more details:

95th% In Util95th% Out UtilIn Util Exc.Out Util Exc.Max In Errors%Max Out Errors%In Error Exc.Out Error Exc.Max In Discards%Max Out Discards%In Discard Exc.Out Discard Exc.

Formula used for Calculation
Maximum and Average input and output utilisation is calculated for the interface. The larger of maximum and average input and output utilisation is used in formula.

Link Availability = Condition: "Router has LOW interface availability"
Action: Investigate carrier for interface problems
Interface availability less than 99.9%

Link Availability = Condition: "Router has VERY LOW interface availability"
Action: Investigate carrier for interface problems
Interface availability less than 95%

Over-utilised Links = Condition: "WAN link has VERY HIGH utilisation"
Action: Investigate WAN Upgrade Urgently
Average link utilisation is above 80% average utilisation

Over-utilised Links = Condition: "WAN link has HIGH utilisation"
Action: Investigate WAN Upgrade
Average link utilisation is above 65% average utilisation

Links Considered Normal = Condition: "WAN link has acceptable utilisation"
Action: WAN utilisation is OK
Average link utilisation is less than 65%

Input and/or Output Errors = Condition: "WAN link has input/output errors"
Action: Investigate cause of interface errors, likely transmission
Error rates higher than 1% of input or output packets

Input and/or Output Discards = Condition: "WAN link has input/output discards"
Action: Investigate cause of interface discards, likely related to QoS or buffer overruns.
Discard rates higher than 1% of input or output packets

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