UPS Configured Models Report

The UPS Configured Models Report displays UPS models configured under 'report_ups_configured_models' in opCommon.nmis configuration file.


Firstly edit /path/to/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis setting report_ups_configured_models.

This configuration setting need only be set once, as needed, to configure the UPS models to be returned in the report.
The following are the default settings:

'report_ups_configured_models' => {
        'exclude_nodegraphs_in_this_report_type' => 'health,upspwr,upsbattemp'
    'POWERALERT-ups' => {
        'exclude_nodegraphs_in_this_report_type' => 'health,upspwr,upsbattemp'

The report will include graphtype health if health is removed from exclude_nodegraphs_in_this_report_type.
exclude_nodegraphs_in_this_report_type => undef 
will cause all available graphtypes to be displayed.

Then choose
UPS Configured  Models Report under Create New Report >> General >> Type:

Alternatively, from the opReports dashboard:

Example Screenshot: