opReports Configuration
opReports Configuration
opReports Configuration
The configuration options for opReports are stored in a text file /usr/local/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis.
Configuration items that are not application specific are detailed on the opCommon Configuration page.
Common Settings to Consider Adjusting
The items below are commonly changed by customers.
Section | Name | Original Value | Description |
opreports | opreports_opcharts_password | nm1888 | opreports needs a user with read only access |
opreports | opreports_url_base | http://yourserver.yourdomain/ | for creating links in emails, reports |
Specific Configuration
The opReports section of opCommon.nmis is for opReports specific configuration items only.
Section | Name | Original Value | Possible Values | Description | |
opreports | opreports_application_heading | undef | |||
opreports | opreports_do_cache_known_reports | undef | |||
opreports | default_report_timezone | AEST | |||
opreports | opreports_embedded_graph_size | [600,150] | these are final sizes | ||
opreports | opreports_embedded_graph_size_small | [300,75] | these are final sizes | ||
opreports | opreports_embedded_nmis_graph_size | [452,113] | these are not final, dynamically adjusted based on graph content | ||
opreports | opreports_embedded_nmis_graph_size_small | [300,50] | these are not final, dynamically adjusted based on graph content | ||
opreports | opreports_url_base | http://yourserver.yourdomain/ | <url> | ||
opreports | opreports_max_interface_util | ||||
opreports | opreports_opcharts_url_base | | <url> | base of opCharts server, eg http://localhost:8042 (no slash at the end) | |
opreports | opreports_opcharts_user | nmis | <username> | user needs ro-access | |
opreports | opreports_opcharts_password | nm1888 | <password> | ||
opreports | opreports_default_css | <omk_public>/omk/css/opReports_report.css | <relative url> | copied into the report output dir if not present; included in zip and emailed reports | |
opreports | opreports_default_js | <omk_public>/omk/js/opReports_report.js | <relative url> | copied into the report output dir if not present; included in zip and emailed reports | |
opreports | opreports_custom_files | undef | list of other files (e.g. logos) to copy/include with html reports e.g. [ '/path/to/my/logo.png', '/some/other/file.jpg' ] | ||
opreports | opreports_output_dirs | [ '<omk_reports>' ] | <relative filepaths> | authorized output directories for opreports on-demand reports are always saved in <omk_reports_ondemand> | |
opreports | opreports_availability_nodata_separate | false | true, false | availability report: treat 'no data' periods as separate from up/down, or include those in up? | |
opreports | opreports_availability_average_packetloss | false | true, false | availability report: 'opreports_availability_average_packetloss' defaults to false: false: "Percentage of readings with some amount of packet loss (Count readings with any packet loss / Number of readings)" true: "Average Packet Loss (Sum of packets lost / Number of readings)" | |
opreports | opreports_ms_availability_strict | false | true, false | monitored_services report: treat 'no data' periods as 'not down' unless 'opreports_ms_availability_strict' set 'true': defaults to false | |
opreports | default_report_keep_for | { 'daily' => 40, 'weekly' => 48*7, 'monthly' => 24*31, 'yearly' => 5*365, 'on-demand' => 42 } | how many days scheduled reports are kept if the schedule doesn't specify a limit and also covers on-demand reports via the pseudo-frequency 'on-demand' | ||
opreports | opreports_selftest_rules | { 'last_scheduler' => 3*3600, 'min_diskfree' => 10, 'max_jobage' => 3*3600 } | |||
opreports | report_ups_configured_models | POWERALERT-APC' => { 'exclude_nodegraphs_in_this_report_type' => 'health,upspwr,upsbattemp' }, 'POWERALERT-ups' => { 'exclude_nodegraphs_in_this_report_type' => 'health,upspwr,upsbattemp' }, | configuration settings for UPS Configured Models Report: | ||
opreports | report_wan_levels | 1' => { "name"=>"Default", "description" => "The Default report contains a modest default level of details.", "extras" => "ResponseTime,InOutErrorDiscards,AvgMaxInOutBits", }, '2' => { "name"=>"Full Detail", "description" => "The Full Detail report includes all known options.", "extras" => "ResponseTime,InOutErrorDiscards,AvgMaxInOutBits,ErrPct,ErrExc,DiscPct,DiscExc,Util95,UtilExc", } | # known extras that can be specified: # ResponseTime: shows the response time # InOutErrorDiscards: includes interface discard and error stats # AvgMaxInOutBits: includes average and max of transfer rates # ErrPct: include maxima of in/out error percentages # ErrExc: include number of exceptions above wan_error_exception_threshold # DiscPct: include maxima of in/out discard percentages # DiscExc: include number of exceptions above wan_discards_exception_threshold # Util95: include 95th percentile of in/out utilisation # UtilExc: include number of exceptions above wan_util_exception_threshold | ||
opreports | report_summary_levels | Low' => { "threshold" => -1, "description" => "Low Util (<= 45%)", "color" => "green" }, "Minor" => { "threshold" => 45, "description" => "Minor Util (<= 80%)", "color" => "yellow"}, "Major" => { "threshold" => 80, "description" => "Major Util (> 80%)", "color" => "red" }, | for the link categorisation in the traffic summary report threshold is compared against utilisation (lowest cat with util > threshold is chosen) | ||
opreports | report_jcos_levels | default' => { 'util' => { 'ok' => { description => "<70%", threshold => -1, color => "" }, 'yellow' => { description => ">70%", threshold => 70, color => "#ffff00" }, 'orange' => { description => ">80%", threshold => 80, color => "#ff8900" }, 'red' => { description => ">90%", threshold => 80, color => "#ff0000" }, }, 'util95th' => { 'ok' => { description => "<90%", threshold => -1, color => "" }, 'yellow' => { description => ">90%", threshold => 90, color => "#ffff00" }, 'orange' => { description => ">95%", threshold => 95, color => "#ff8900" }, 'red' => { description => "100%", threshold => 100, color => "#ff0000" }, }, 'dropped' => { 'ok' => { description => "0%", threshold => -1, color => "" }, 'yellow' => { description => "<5%", threshold => 0, color => "#ffff00" }, 'orange' => { description => ">5%", threshold => 5, color => "#ff8900" }, 'red' => { description => ">10%", threshold => 10, color => "#ff0000" }, } }, | for colorisation of the juniper cos report | ||
opreports | report_groupedavailability_levels | default' => { 'lowest' => { description => "<98%", threshold => -1, color => "#ff0000" }, 'low' => { description => "98 < 99%", threshold => 98, color => "#ff8900" }, 'high' => { description => "99 < 100%", threshold => 99, color => "#ffff00" }, 'good' => { description => "100%", threshold => 100, color => "" }, }, | for categorisation and coloration of the grouped availability report | ||
opreports | report_node_availability_colors | down' => '#d9534f', 'unreachable' => '#e6e619', 'up' => '#59cf59', 'partially_reachable' =>'#288a28' | for custom node availability colors. | ||
report_snapshot_levels | binary | "Low" => { "color" => "green", "description" => "Low Util", "threshold" => -1 }, "High" => { "color" => "red", "description" => "High Util", "threshold" => 50 } | for colorisation in the traffic snapshot report threshold is compared against utilisation (lowest cat with util > threshold is chosen) | ||
report_snapshot_levels | quarters | lowest' => { 'color' => "#93cc5e", "description" => "<10%", threshold => -1 }, 'quarter' => { 'color' => "#fffa48", "description" => "10-25%", threshold => 10 }, 'secondq' => { 'color' => "#ffbe3a", "description" => "25-50%", threshold => 25 }, 'upperhalf' => { 'color' => "#ff2121", "description" => ">50%", threshold => 50 }, | for colorisation in the traffic snapshot report threshold is compared against utilisation (lowest cat with util > threshold is chosen) | ||
report_snapshot_levels | fifths | "lowest" =>{ "color" =>"#004d00", "description" =>"under 1%", "threshold" => -1, }, "firstthird" => { "description" =>"1-30%", "color" =>"#008000", "threshold" => 1, }, "secondthird" =>{ "color" =>"#00ff00", "description" =>"30-60%", "threshold" =>30, }, "prettyhigh" => { "threshold" =>60, "color" =>"#c6ff1a", "description" =>"60-80%", }, "veryhigh" => { "color" =>"#ffa31a", "description" =>"above 80%", "threshold" =>80, }, | for colorisation in the traffic snapshot report threshold is compared against utilisation (lowest cat with util > threshold is chosen) | ||
report_wan_distributions | Default WAN Distribution Levels Descending | "group4" =>{ "description" => "<=30%", "min" => 0, "max" => 30, }, "group3" => { "description" => ">30% <=70%", "min" => 30, "max" => 70, }, "group2" =>{ "description" => ">70% <=90%", "min" => 70, "max" => 90, }, "group1" => { "description" => ">90%", "min" => 90, "max" => 1000000, }, | |||
report_wan_distributions | Default WAN Distribution Levels Ascending | "group1" =>{ "description" => "<=30%", "min" => 0, "max" => 30, }, "group2" => { "description" => ">30% <=70%", "min" => 30, "max" => 70, }, "group3" =>{ "description" => ">70% <=90%", "min" => 70, "max" => 90, }, "group4" => { "description" => ">90%", "min" => 90, "max" => 1000000, }, | groupings for wan utilization distribution reports: groups will be displayed sorted on groupname ascending. max max set to an unusually high 1000000% as a catchall since values > 100% can be expected. the 'first' of the 2 options presented here 'Default WAN Distribution Levels Descending' is the default option. for on-demand scheduling GUI the 'last' of the 2 options presented here 'Default WAN Distribution Levels Ascending' is set as default in GUI | ||
opreport_rules | condition_low_wanutil | false | true, false | false: define acceptable utilisation as anything below wantil_high. true: acceptable utilisation is between wanutil_ok and wanutil_high | |
opreport_rules | cpu_veryhigh | 30 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | cpu_high | 20 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | cpu_moderate | 12 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | cpu_exception_threshold | 20 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | mem_free_verylow | 10 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | mem_free_low | 25 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | iomem_free_verylow | 10 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | iomem_free_low | 25 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | swap_veryhigh | 50 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | swap_high | 20 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | swap_moderate | 10 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | reachability_verylow | 99.9 | <decimal> | ||
opreport_rules | reachability_low | 99.999 | <decimal> | ||
opreport_rules | availability_verylow | 80 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | availability_low | 95 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | qos_highutil | 75 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | qos_lowutil | 1 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | qos_droppkt | 1 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | uptime_shortest_days | 7 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | uptime_longest_days | 365 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | response_exception_threshold | 10 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wan_nettypes | wan | <regex> | should be a regular expression: nodes with nonmatching network types are ignored | |
opreport_rules | wan_availability_low | 99.9 | <decimal> | ||
opreport_rules | wan_availability_verylow | 95 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wanutil_veryhigh | 80 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wanutil_high | 65 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wanutil_ok | 20 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wanutil_low | 10 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wanutil_max_ok | 80 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wanutil_max_low | 80 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wanutil_exception_threshold | 60 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wan_error_exception_threshold | 1 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wan_discards_exception_threshold | 1 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wan_errors_high | 1 | <integer> | ||
opreport_rules | wan_discards_high | 1 | <integer> |
, multiple selections available,
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