opTrend Release Notes

This is a brief overview of the major changes between revisions.

opTrend 1.8.1

RELEASED  14 April 2021.

Upgrade Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue in opTrend where a large amount MongoDB connections were created and retained.

opTrend 1.7.1

Released 21 Jan 2020

This release is a maintenance release.

opTrend 1.7.0

Released 1 Nov 2019


  • Fixes 'Server Unrecoverable Error' being displayed in the GUI following Install of opTrend 1.6.2
  • Fixes error '$modelData is not a hash' that occurs when GUI has no data to load.


  • Significant performance improvents on WiredTiger - Trend (Seds) documents are now stored more appropriately for WiredTiger updates
  • Older trend documents now timeout and remove them self after a configurable amount of time (optrend_seds_expire_after_seconds)
  • Admin access now required to view/edit licenses
  • When multiple proxies are used the first one is now chosen as the current_url instead of none of them

opTrend 1.4.0


  • Conditions are only raised when value is above control for a configurable number of time periods (optrend_exceptions_to_make_condition)
  • Number of processes, number of users and number of open tcp connections now monitored where modelling supports
  • Conditions are now raised on negative values (current value below control for configurable number of time periods)
  • Clicking on Graph opens Trend Document in new tab so graph does not have to re-populate
  • Trend Document index list now paginated and search fields added


  • Date range selector now honoured and shows current settings in more places
  • Calculations are now run on percentage values where available (eg MemoryUtil )
  • Billboard history fixed
  • Only 1 Graph shown on index page to improve performance
  • "seds" collection is capped by installer when running wiredTiger
  • cron entries automatically created by installer
  • a few more models added