Getting Started, Converting the OVF for Other Hypervisors

Getting Started, Converting the OVF for Other Hypervisors

To use OVF/OVA files with other virtualisation systems like KVM you may have to convert the OVF file to a native format.

Two well-known tools for this purpose are virt-v2v (available in CentOS and RHEL) and virt-convert (in Debian).

Launch the Virtual Machine

Once powered on, use our provided credentials to login. You can find this in the Install instructions on our website.

Tip: Once authenticated, our appliance ships with a Message of the Day (MOTD) which will provide you with the virtual machine's IP address, used to access the NMIS Suite Graphical User Interface (GUI). You can also find this by typing "ip a" into the console of the virtual machine.

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