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How and Why is Open-AudIT "more secure"?
How-To Guides
Installing Open-AudIT 5.x on Redhat 8 without external repo's
Install Open-AudIT on SUSE SLES 15.5
Introduction & Setup
Matching Devices - Including OrgID
Release Notes
Open-AudIT Release Notes
Errata for Open-AudIT releases
Errata - 1.5.3 Security Update, February 2015
Errata - 1.6 Security Update, March 2015
Errata - 1.8.2 Discovery patch (Windows)
Errata - 1.8.2 Manual Database Update
Errata - 1.8.2 Patch for escape characters in SSH password in Discovery
Errata - 1.8.4 Hard Disk bugfix
Errata - 1.12.0 Active Directory auth failing
Errata - 1.12.0 MySQL SUPER priv required for database upgrade
Errata - 1.12.8.x error on database upgrade
Errata - 1.12.10
Errata - 1.12.10 Bulk Upload Tasks
Errata - 1.12_2 patch for opConfig
Errata - 2.0.6 Dashboard Graphs
Errata - 2.1 Security Update, April 2018
Errata - 2.1 Security Update, March 2018
Errata - 2.1 Updating MAC Addresses from Nmap
Errata - 2.2.6 Serial false positive matching
Errata - 2.2.7 Creating a user in Pro/Ent
Errata - 2.3.0 upgrades
Errata - 2.3.1 OSX Auditing
Errata - 2.3.1 Setting the first_seen attribute
Errata - 2.3.2 Creating Discoveries in Community
Errata - 2.3.2, 2.3.1 Manually creating a new device
Errata - 2.3.2, 2.3.1, 2.3.0 Modules retrieval for SNMP devices
Errata - 3.0.0 Windows Audits from Discovery on Windows Open-AudIT Server
Errata - 3.0.1 Widget Definitions
Errata - 3.0.2 Upgrading from a version older than 2.2.0
Errata - 3.1.1 Running Discoveries on Centos (bash issue)
Errata - 3.1.1 Running Discoveries on Centos (PHP < 5.5)
Errata - 3.1.2 Security issue, September 2019
Errata - 3.2.2 Manufacturers of SNMP Devices not set
Errata - 3.2.2 Patch for match_ip_no_data
Errata - 3.3.0 Database table view access in Community
Errata - 3.3.0 Global Exclude IP list from configuration not being honoured
Errata - 3.3.0 XSS in error templates
Errata - 3.3.2 / 3.4.0 XSS in devices list template (Community)
Errata - 3.3.2 Collectors
Errata - 3.3.2 Discoveries
Errata - 3.5.0 Filtering Queries
Errata - 4.0.0
Errata - 4.0.1 XSS in SQL debugging output
Errata - 4.0.1 XSS in template
Errata - 4.0.2 Upload CSV of devices
Errata - 4.1.2 Import Devices from NMIS
Errata - 4.2.0 and earlier Javascript vulnerability
Errata - 4.2.0, 3.5.0 and onwards util function vulnerability
Errata - 4.3.3 Bad Links on Collections Summary template
Errata - 4.3.4 - Bad suid test on Nmap binary prevents discoveries from being executed on Redhat
Errata - 4.4.0 Syntax error in older versions of PHP
Errata - 4.4.1 SNMP and computers
Scheduling Windows audits locally on the target devices
Troubleshooting & Help
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Errata - 4.3.4 - Bad suid test on Nmap binary prevents discoveries from being executed on Redhat
Errata - 4.3.4 - Bad suid test on Nmap binary prevents discoveries from being executed on Redhat
Mark Unwin
Owned by
Mark Unwin
Nov 15, 2022
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