Release Notes for Open-AudIT v1.0

Release Notes for Open-AudIT v1.0

Open-AudIT v1.0

Released 2013-05-23


Installing and Upgrading to v1.0.2


Open-AudIT v1.0.2 was released in May 2013.

Install as below.

v1.0.2 fixes a serious bug in the processing of an XML audit result for Windows machines. It is creating duplicate items without generating alerts for all sub tables (except system). You can apply the file (replace /usr/local/open-audit/code_igniter/application/controllers/system.php) found here

Installing and Upgrading to v1.0.1

Open-AudIT v1.0.1 was released in May 2013.

As below except you don't need to manually update your Groups.

Installing and Upgrading to v1.0

Open-AudIT v1.0 was released in May 2013.

Please see the installation and upgrading documentation referenced on the Open-AudIT documentation home page, here.

 Caveat - make sure you update your Groups (as below) and use the new audit scripts.

 If it's a "built in" Group, delete the old Group (Admin -> Groups -> List Groups) and activate a new one (the XML definitions have been updated) Admin -> Groups -> Activate Group.

 If it's a custom Group, export it and edit the lines so they look like this (new definition):




They originally looked like this (old definition):




Note the lack of a leading / in the column_link attribute of the old definition.

New Features

NMap subnet discovery from the web interface. 

Finding out what is on your network is now as easy as telling Open-AudIT which subnet to scan using the web interface. Done. Any items that have an ip address will be discovered and SNMP audited. You can provide additional details like SNMP community string on a per device basis.

Active Directory computer importing from the web interface.

Importing all your computers from Active Directory is now as easy as telling Open-AudIT your Active Directory Domain Controller details in the web interface and it's done. No mess, no fuss.

SNMP device scanning from the web interface.

Device details from items such as switches, routers and printers can be queried directly by Open-AudIT using the web interface. no need to set up platform specific scripting.

NMIS device importing and exporting.

Open-AudIT and NMIS - a great match. Open-AudIT can extract your NMIS device listing along with credentials scan your devices and place them into the Open-AudIT database. Conversely Open-AudIT can discover a subnet and export the device details back into NMIS.

Auditing a Windows PC from the web interface.

Your users can go to the web interface of Open-AudIT and without needing to log in, click the "Audit My PC" button and have their PC silently audit and submit the details back to Open-AudIT.

View Open-AudIT log files from the web interface.

Open-AudIT uses a standard syslog formatted text file. You can now view this file from within the web interface to see exactly what Open-AudIT has been doing.

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