


 Credentials can have one of a few different types - snmp v.1 / v.2, snmp v.3, ssh, ssh key, windows are all implemented. CAVEAT - ssh keys are not implemented for Windows Open-AudIT servers as yet.

How Does it Work?

Credentials are stored in the "credentials" database table. The actual credential information is encrypted in storage. When a Discovery is run, a device has it's specific credentials retrieved from the database, decrypted and tested. If these fail the list of credentials is also retrieved, decrypted and then tested against the device starting with credentials known to have worked previously. Device specific credentials are stored at an individual device level in the "credential" table (note - no 's' in the table name). SSH keys are tested before SSH username / password. When testing SSH, credentials will also be marked as working with sudo or being root.

NOTE - If you request a downloaded CSV, XML or JSON format (either a single credential, or the complete collection) the actual credential details will be sent. Not the encrypted string, the actual username, password, community string, etc. Any sensitive details are not displayed in the web GUI, but are made available via other formats. To prevent this export a configuration item is available called decrypt_credentials.

Creating Credentials

To make another credential entry use the menu and go to menu: Discover -> Credentials -> Create Credentials. Provide a name, organization and optionally a description. Choose a type of credential. Once you do this, the additional fields will populate with the available configurable options.

Importing Credentials

Credentials can be imported en-masse using menu → Discover → Credentials → Import Multiple Credentials. We use a CSV formatted file. That page details the required columns.

Below is an example of the required csv format. The minimum required attributes for attributes are 'name','org_id','type' and the credentials details (see below). You should not include the edited_by and edited_date fields. These will be automatically set. If you include the "id" field and set it with a number, that item will be updated rather than created. The field 'credentials' is stored as an encrypted JSON object. You should use the field names of 'credentials.attribute name'. For an example, an SNMP community string would be 'credentials.community'. For an example, use the web interface to create a credential set and then go to menu -> Admin -> Database and click on Discoveries. Then export to CSV. Valid credentials attributes are: community, username, password, domain, ssh_key, authentication_passphrase, authentication_protocol, privacy_passphrase, privacy_protocol, security_level, security_name. You should use a header line containing the names of the columns you wish to populate, then your data lines below that.

"Public SNMP","1","snmp","public","",""
"My SSH","1","ssh","","my_user","my_password"
"Windows Creds","1","windows","","my_win_user@open-audit.com","my_win_password"

SSH Keys

You should copy and paste the entire file into the textbox. In the case below, copy ALL the text.

Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,328refbeif03

Viewing Credential Details

Go to menu: Discover -> Credentials -> List Credentials.

You will see a list of credential. You can view a credential by clicking on the blue view icon. You can also edit or delete your credentials.

Database Schema

The database schema can be found in the application is the user has database::read permission by going to menu: Admin -> Database -> List Tables, then clicking on the details button for the table.

API / Web Access

You can access the collection using the normal Open-AudIT JSON based API. Just like any other collection. Please see The Open-AudIT API documentation for further details.

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