Release Notes for Open-AudIT v1.12.2

Release Notes for Open-AudIT v1.12.2

Released 2016-03-14

IMPORTANT CHANGES - please read.

From 1.12.2 onwards only users in Open-AudIT with Admin level access will be able to access Open-AudIT Enterprise when using Open-AudIT as a source of authentication. This is because Open-AudIT Enterprise exposes all Admin level functions. Previously you could use htpasswd (only) authentication, instead of using Open-AudIT ( to avoid all users having access to Admin level functions), but from 1.12.2 onwards using Open-AudIT for auth will impose the "admin level only" restriction so you can manage your Open-AudIT users in a single place.

Executive Summary

Changes to database structure. 'sys_hw_network_card_ip' has been replaced by 'ip'. This completes the final device subtables being migrated, following on from 1.10. All network groups will be updated, however if you have manually created group that reply on information from the (old) sys_hw_network_card_ip table, they will be removed. Read the database upgrade output to see which groups this has affected (it will tell you the group name and the groups SQL).

Scheduling in Open-AudIT Enterprise gets a new option. Previously you could schedule tasks on a day per week. We have added the addition to be able to schedule a task every X days. You will see the changes on the Task Create and Task Update screens. Just select the 'custom' Repeat attribute to set it. We're calling this "Advanced Scheduling" and plan to add to it in the future (think 1st of the month, etc).


Open-AudIT Enterprise - New Feature - Advanced Scheduling.

Open-AudIT - Improve - Fixed line breaks in strings difference between dash and bash. Bugfix for partition size (where drives have spaces in their names).

Open-AudIT - Improve - Remove Nmap ping sweep. Provide option for nmap -O operating system detection.

Open-AudIT - Bugfix - On Help -> Support page, fix path to log file.

Open-AudIT - Improve - Provide config options for linux script used by discovery (directory to copy to and chmod).

Open-AudIT - Improve - Change ajax to use POST instead of GET when updating a device attributes or a config item.

Open-AudIT - Improve - Remove all passwords and snmp community strings from debug level output (both on screen and in log files).

Open-AudIT - Improve - Display sysName on the device details screen.

Open-AudIT - Improve - Revise the dns, hostname, domain functionality. All procedures that require this now use a single function.

Open-AudIT - Improve - Normalise the default org. Give it a name and remove the comments as per the default location.

Open-AudIT - Bugfix - Improved the Location display on device details page. Fixed the broken org display / select on device details.

Open-AudIT - Bugfix - Fixed error when using AD auth to login to OAE.

Open-AudIT - Bugfix - Fixed the DB admin items in m_oa_general.

Open-AudIT - Improvement - In preparation for a new access model, added the oa_user_org table and added the permissions column to oa_user.

Open-AudIT - Improve - New config option included for 1.12.2 called discovery_mac_match. Set to n by default. Will prevent matching on a mac address.

Open-AudIT - Improve - Changed from sys_hw_network_card_ip to ip. All consumers of functions rewritten to use standard m_devices_compnents calls. Display templates updated. API altered to use standard calls. Audit scripts updated. Discovery updated. Upgrade routine (previous commit) upgrades network group definitions.

Future Developments

Going forward we plan to have an additional authentication model. Users will have an access level to devices belonging to an Org (or an Org's descendants). The existing model of a user having an access level on a group of devices will remain in place. We have implemented the first part of this, a new SQL table 'oa_user_org'. This will act as does the current oa_system_user table. It will map a user to an org and have an access level. More details to come in future updates when we complete the implementation. For now, nothing to see here, move along (smile) There is no affect on your current installation.

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