Common Node Properties

Common Node Properties

A number of Opmantek products use a common node configuration infrastructure, which supports standard, product-specific and custom node attributes. This page describes both the core properties and outlines the product-specific ones.

Common Properties

These are used by all Opmantek products (exception: NMIS does not use the addresses property). Only the first two, name and host, are absolutely necessary properties. 

The properties shown in italic are not directly interpreted by the applications and are completely optional.

Property NameDescription

The internal name of the node. This is used for identifying and displaying the node, not for communication with the node!(mandatory)


The DNS name, unqualified host name or main IP address for this  node. Using a fully qualified DNS host name is recommended.(mandatory)


A list containing any secondary IP addresses that should also be associated with this node.
This list is often empty. NMIS does not use this property.


The (single) group that this node belongs to, which is used to control what nodes a user is allowed to see.(mandatory)


Free-form notes for a node, which are shown on the relevant context pages. (optional)

commentsA list of originator- and time-tagged comments for this node. (optional, supported in opEvents 2.0 and newer)
locationThe location of the node. (optional)
businessServiceThe service the node provides. (optional)

Common Properties for NMIS 9

For the new product generation, opEvents and opConfig use the same collection where NMIS 9 saves this data.

The properties shown in italic are not directly interpreted by the applications and are completely optional.

Property NameDescription
uuidA unique identifier of the node
cluster_idThe identifier for the server. Indicates that this is a local node when it is the same as the cluster_id specified in the NMIS 9 config file. 

The DNS name, unqualified host name or main IP address for this  node. Using a fully qualified DNS host name is recommended.


A list containing any secondary IP addresses that should also be associated with this node.
This list is often empty. NMIS does not use this property.


The (single) group that this node belongs to, which is used to control what nodes  a user is allowed to see.


Free-form notes for a node, which are shown on the relevant context pages. (optional)

configuration.commentsA list of originator- and time-tagged comments for this node. (optional, supported in opEvents 2.0 and newer)
configuration.locationThe location of the node. (optional)
configuration.businessServiceThe service the node provides. (optional)

Properties for Licensing and Activation

Both opConfig (2.1 and up) and opEvents (1.2.3 and up) support per-node activation and licensing, which is controlled by the properties described below.

If a node is disabled for a particular product, then it is completely ignored by this product: for opEvents that means no events are processed for this node, for opConfig no command sets would be run for the node and so on.

By default nodes are enabled for all products except opConfig. Nodes are disabled if and only if they are explicitly set to disabled.

Property NameDescription
activated.opConfigIf set to 0, the node is disabled for opConfig.
If unset or set to any non-zero value, the node is considered active.
activated.opEventsIf set to 0, the node is disabled for opEvents.
If unset or set to any non-zero value, the node is considered active.
activated.NMISIf set to 0, the node is disabled for NMIS.
If unset or set to any non-zero value, the node is considered active.
All nodes that are activated for NMIS are activated and licensed for opCharts.

Note: The activation properties are within a subhash/subdocument, and the listing above uses MongoDB dot-notation to indicate that (just like you would access such properties in an opEvents policy rule or an opConfig compliance rule).

opConfig Properties

opConfig requires two extra sets of properties for correct communication with a node, which are stored in the connection_info  and os_info subhash/subdocuments. The os_info information is primarily used in command set definitions, and customized command sets might not use any of these properties.

The properties given in italic are optional and only relevant for specific types of devices.

Property NameDescription


The type of OS or system 'personality', which is used for determining what command sets are applicable.


Which credential set to use when authenticating to  this node.


Which  transport mechanism to use for connecting to this node. Valid choices are "SSH" or "Telnet".


Whether setting up paging requires privileged mode. Only relevant on Cisco PIX/ASA.


What line separator character(s)  to send to the node. By default the patform's 'newline' character sequence is used.


The name of the phrasebook macro to use for line continuation.

connection_info.connect_optionsAny extra, non-standard options  for the connection. See the documentation for
Net::CLI::Interact for details. If present, this must be an Array in JSON format.
os_info.osThe general OS type. Required to determine what command sets are applicable.

The OS  Version identifier.


The Major Release Number extracted from the OS Version.


The Train of the OS version. Relevant for Cisco devices only.


The OS Platform as extracted from the Version.


The OS Image. Relevant mainly for Cisco devices.


The  enabled Feature Sets of this system. Relevant mainly for Cisco devices.

OPCONFIG 4  This properties are accessible in the configuration hash. As an example, platform should be accessed as configuration.os_info.platform

opEvents Properties

The opEvents does have a product-specific node property: activated.opEvents

NMIS Properties

NMIS uses further properties to control its operations, mostly things like SNMP-related identities, node active and collect flags, etc. The table below describes the most important properties that NMIS interprets or understands.

Whenever a node in opConfig or opEvents is refreshed/imported from NMIS, all of NMIS' node properties are also transferred. These properties are currently not used by opConfig or opEvents, but will show up when you export a node using opnode_admin. Your opEvents and opConfig policies can make use of these properties, you can edit them with opnode_admin (and, to some extent, via the GUI if you modify the configuration variables opevents_gui_node_summary_list and/or opconfig_gui_node_summary_list).

Property NameDescription
activewhether the node is active and handled by NMIS or should be ignored
collectwhether SNMP data should be collected from this node
pingwhether reachability statistics should be collected for this node

what type of device this is (default: "automatic")

versionsnmpv1, snmpv2c or snmpv3; relevant only if collect is true
communityread-only community string for access using snmpv1 or snmpv2c
netTypewan or lan
roleTypecore, access or distribution - the three layers of the Cisco three-layer hierarchical network model (mandatory)



authentication and privacy parameters for SNMP Version 3



Alternative password parameters for SNMP Version 3. Optionally, the authkey and privkey can be used so that a plain text password does not have to be specified (see Net::SNMP). 
snmpkey utility can be used to create the hexadecimal key string with the authoritativeEngineID (MAC address) for the destination device (see snmpkey).
portwhich port to use for SNMP access (default: 161)
timezonewhich timezone this system is in, numeric offset
webserverwhether the node runs a webserver.
if true, a link to the node is presented in the NMIS GUI
thresholdwhether thresholds are to be processed for this node
cbqoswhether Quality of Service data should be collected for this node
(if the device and model support QoS)

NMIS 9  This properties are accessible in the configuration hash. As an example, collect should be query as configuration.collect

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