Opmantek System Configuration

Opmantek System Configuration


Opmantek System Configuration is a new admin tool to edit all the NMIS and Opmantek configuration and to manage all nodes from a unified, centralised and easy to use GUI. 

This is available under the following link:

In a opHA environment, it is also possible to manage remote nodes. Even relocate the nodes from one poller to another. 



Custom role types

If we have custom net types, node types or role types in any poller, we also add these types into our nmis configuration file (nmis9/conf/Config.nmis) in the primary: 

"roletype_list" => "default,core,distribution,access",
"nettype_list" => "default,wan,lan,vpn,man,san,voice",
"nodetype_list" => "default,generic,switch,router,firewall,server",

Nodes API

System Admin API options

Configuration API

Update configuration items using the API.

Note: User should be authenticated. 

Update configuration item for the local server: 

POST http://volla.opmantek.net:6042/en/omk/admin/api/v2/config/Config

{"system" : {"nettype_list":"wan,lan,vpn,man,san,voice,default,cpe,mnd"}}

Update a configuration item for all the peers in the cluster:

POST http://volla.opmantek.net:6042/en/omk/admin/api/v2/config/remote/Config
{"system" : {"nettype_list":"wan,lan,vpn,man,san,voice,default,cpe,mnd"}}

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