

Execute your plan, test, and validate the deployment.

Implementing and testing your deployment will go quickly and effortlessly if you have spent adequate time in the Planning stage. The more detail you Plan has, the easier Implementation is.

Your plan should be executed as documented, following the steps you identified and tested, and then running the appropriate tests at each stage to ensure the implementation meets your requirements. Any step which fails to meet your test criteria should result in an implementation stoppage until you can positively identify the cause. If the issue requires a deviation from the plan then you should rollback that step and return to the Planning stage.

Table of Tasks for each product

These tables are available for you to use : Google Sheet Spreadsheet Of Delivery Tasks

An example of the NMIS tasks are below.


Polling Server Performance -

  • Is the NMS server operating within acceptable performance metrics (CPU, Memory, polling, etc)
  • Are all devices being collected on, as desired? i.e. are appropriate device models being auto-assigned to each device, are devices responding to ICMP and SNMP polling
  • Are polling and update cycles being completed within acceptable windows (i.e. before the next collect cycle)
  • Are log files rotating properly
  • Is disk usage within the expected range(s)

Primary Server Performance (requires opHA)

  • Are device performance and events appearing on the Primary server from each Poller?
  • If you are using opEvents, and events are forwarded by the opEvents' API, is opEvents on the Primary being populated


Configure network security rules to allow management of devices using NMIS
Determine how users will authenticate with NMIS


Create initial list of users and identify each authorization level

Determine server name, IP and FQDN

Acquire certificate if server will run SSL/HTTPS

Determine process/responsibility for maintaining NMIS host device (OS and hardware)


Collect list of devices to import into NMIS

Collect SNMP Community strings and SNMP version for each device

Collect WMI admin accounts for management of Windows servers

Collect device MIBs for SNMPTrap processing


Collect email server information for sending notifications

Identify options for SMS text messaging (if required)

Is integration with a HelpDesk required?


Determine starting hardware specifications

Install and configure host OS (if not Opmantek VM)

Install NMIS or import and resize Opmantek VM
Install SSL certificate and configure for HTTPS

If using the Opmantek VM change root password for applicance

Test login to NMIS using default credentials
Copy manufacturer MIBs in SNMPTrap subfolderRestart SNMPTrap daemon


Complete Basic Setup WizardSet cookie type to OMK
Set Combined Emails to true
Set Node Status Mode to fine-grained
Create/Edit NMIS Groups
Add/Edit ContactsPopulate email for Contact1; this Contact is used in testing NMIS email handling
Add/Edit Customers

Adjust Model Policy
Add/Edit UsersUsers should NOT be using the NMIS or Admin user accounts, passwords for these accounts should be changed or the accounts disabled.
Configure authentication (other than htpasswd) (if needed), and test
Test sending email
Configuring Email Server for NMIS Notifications including Gmail server
Import 1-2 devices of each Model from device list
Adding and Editing a Device in NMIS8
Monitor NMIS for proper operation; troubleshoot device connectivityAre all devices responding to ICMP/SNMP/WMI?
Are any devices listed as using the Default or Model model?
Are events being created as expected?

Configure simple EscalationConfigure a single escalation to handle all events and send emails to a test Contact
Adjust Escalation rules to only send events at a level that will be addressed by a human operator
NMIS8 Escalations

CONFIGURE NMIS (continued)

Add/Edit Device Types

Add/Edit Device Role

Add/Edit Network Types

Bulk Import Remaining DevicesImport ~250 devices at a time through bulk import; allow NMIS to complete first Updates before running next bulk import.Import Nodes into NMIS8 - bulk import and integration
Monitor NMIS for proper operation; troubleshoot device connectivityAre all devices responding to ICMP/SNMP/WMI?
Are any devices listed as using the Default or Model model?
Are events being created as expected?

Identify devices requiring custom modeling
Developing Device Models for NMIS
Setup/Disable events in NMIS
NMIS Event List
Tune ThresholdsThese are the alarm levels NMIS applies that generate events.NMIS Threshold Configuration
Adjust Node Summary Field listChanging the fields which NMIS sends to the summary file Config.nmis/node_summary_field_listHandling different location attributes in NMIS
Adjust Node Configuration
How To Customize Interface Speed, Collection, Thresholds and Events Using Node Configuration


Polling Policy
NMIS8 Node Polling Configuration
NMIS - Polling Policy - Configuring Variable Polling Polices

Next Up

Observe - Monitor the system for performance, operation, and results.

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