Keeping Track of your Licenses

Keeping Track of your Licenses


The commercial FirstWave application modules use a unified licensing setup, which relies on license data being installed locally on the servers the software is deployed to. As the system does not automatically retrieve or refresh licenses yet, it is possible to miss an expiring license if you don't use the applications interactively every day. This page describes the various ways to check your licenses quickly and efficiently.

Interactive Overview

Navigating to the opLicense module on your server will provide you with an overview of your current product installation and license states. The standard URL is http://<your_system_name_or_ip>/omk/opLicense/, and the view will include all installed and activated products and their license status similar to the following:

API Endpoint

All applications released since 23 Nov 2015 also provide an API endpoint that allows you to query the license status of your system remotely.

The API requires authentication, just like our other APIs (opEvents, opCharts etc).

First you need to POST to .../omk/opLicense/login to authenticate: Two parameters must be supplied as post-body, username and password. A successful response will provide you with a cookie that must be saved and used with subsequent requests.

The actual retrieval URL is .../omk/opLicense.json: You need to use GET for this, and the response will be a JSON document with the license states as in the following example:

   "Open-AudIT Enterprise" : {
      "expires" : 1474346003,
      "eula" : 1,
      "valid" : 1,
      "text" : "Open-AudIT Enterprise is licensed to FirstWave for 10000 Devices - Expires 23-Jun-2024"
   "opEvents" : {
      "text" : "opEvents is licensed to FirstWave for 10000 Nodes - Expires 23-Jun-2024",
      "valid" : 1,
      "eula" : 1,
      "expires" : null
   "opFlow" : {
      "valid" : 0,
      "text" : "No license installed for opFlow",
      "eula" : 0,
      "expires" : null

The properties represent:

  • expire: the license expiration (or null if the license doesn't expire),
  • valid: license is valid at this time or not,
  • eula: EULA acceptance was confirmed or not,
  • text: the actual license text


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