Opmantek NMIS9 Virtual Appliance: Release Notes

Opmantek NMIS9 Virtual Appliance: Release Notes

Release 2024-12

RELEASED 2024-12-17

The latest update to the FirstWave VM was released 17 December 2024 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/FirstWave-VM-20241217-Debian11-x86_64.ova
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


  • Added support for SAML Authentication for all products
  • Open-AudIT upgraded to 5.6, see the Release Notes
  • opConfig Compliance Report enhancements
  • Improved Topographical Maps and Enterprise Services in opCharts


The OS is Debian 11
NMIS 9.5.2   (Release Notes)
Open-AudIT 5.6.0   (Release Notes)
opCharts 4.8.3   (Release Notes)
opConfig 4.6.1   (Release Notes)
opEvents 4.5.1   (Release Notes)
opHA 4.1.2   (Release Notes)
opReports 4.6.1   (Release Notes)
opAddress 2.4.0   (Release Notes)

Installation notes

Please read FirstWave Virtual Machine: Installation and Getting Started

Release 2024-07

RELEASED 2024-07-22

The latest update to the FirstWave VM was released 22 July 2024 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/FirstWave-VM-20240721-Debian11-x86_64.ova
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


  • Added support for MongoDB 6.0 for all products, and the VM uses MongoDB 6.0
  • Open-AudIT upgraded to 5.2 with new framework with Bootstrap and Dark Mode, see the Release Notes
  • opCharts has new Inventory, Status and NMIS Events APIs.


The OS is Debian 11
NMIS 9.5.0   (Release Notes)
Open-AudIT 5.2.2   (Release Notes)
opCharts 4.8.0   (Release Notes)
opConfig 4.6.0   (Release Notes)
opEvents 4.4.0   (Release Notes)
opHA 4.1.0   (Release Notes)
opReports 4.6.0   (Release Notes)
opAddress 2.4.0   (Release Notes)

Installation notes

Please read FirstWave Virtual Machine: Installation and Getting Started

Release 2024-01

RELEASED 2024-01-30

The latest update to the FirstWave VM was released 30 January 2024 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/FirstWave-VM-20240130-Debian11-x86_64.ova
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


  • Added support for Debian 11 for all products
  • Added Quick Add Node in Administration
  • opCharts TopN is improved and now called TopN Favorites, added Metric Links to Maps, added new Dynamic Topological Maps
  • Added Save Filters for Current Events so that you can save your opEvents filters and reuse them later, add a Notes feature for events.
  • Improve filtering and pagination on Saved Reports and Operational Status in opReports and add exception reporting to Response Time Report


The OS is Debian 11
NMIS 9.4.6   (Release Notes)
Open-AudIT 5.0.3   (Release Notes)
opCharts 4.6.3   (Release Notes)
opConfig 4.5.4   (Release Notes)
opEvents 4.3.8   (Release Notes)
opHA 4.0.1   (Release Notes)
opReports 4.5.4   (Release Notes)
opAddress 2.3.2   (Release Notes)

Installation notes

Please read Opmantek Virtual Machine: Installation and Getting Started

Release 14 March 2023

The latest update to the Opmantek Virtual Appliance was released 14 March 2023 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/Opmantek-20230314-VM9-Centos7.2009-64bit.ova
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


  • Improved Administration module with a Guide to get you started using the system step by step.
  • Enterprise Services have been added to opCharts.
  • New list manager feature opCharts Element Lists
  • Improved Accessibility options, including support for Dark Mode. We have taken the opportunity while we tidied up the screens to change Opmantek to FirstWave.

  • Upgraded with support for MongoDB 4.2


The OS is Centos 7.2009
NMIS 9.4.3   (Release Notes)
Open-AudIT 4.4.2   (Release Notes)
opCharts 4.5.4   (Release Notes)
opConfig 4.5.1   (Release Notes)
opEvents 4.3.1   (Release Notes)
opHA 3.6.2   (Release Notes)
opReports 4.5.0   (Release Notes)
opAddress 2.3.0   (Release Notes)

Installation notes

Please read Opmantek Virtual Machine: Installation and Getting Started

Release 01 February 2022

The latest update to the Opmantek Virtual Appliance was released 01 February 2022 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/Opmantek-20220130-VM9-Centos7.2009-64bit.ova
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


The OS is Centos 7.2009
NMIS 9.3.0   (Release Notes)
Open-AudIT 4.3.2   (Release Notes)

opCharts 4.3.2-1   (Release Notes)

opConfig 4.3.1   (Release Notes)

opEvents 4.1.0   (Release Notes)

opHA 3.4.0   (Release Notes)

opReports 4.3.0-1   (Release Notes)

opAddress 2.1.1   (Release Notes)

Installation notes

Please read Opmantek Virtual Machine: Installation and Getting Started

Release 19 August 2021

The latest update to the Opmantek Virtual Appliance was released 19 August 2021 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/Opmantek-20210817-VM9-Centos7.2009-64bit.ova
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


The OS is Centos 7.2009
NMIS 9.2.3   (Release Notes)
Open-AudIT 4.2.0   (Release Notes)

opCharts 4.2.5   (Release Notes)

opConfig 4.2.5   (Release Notes)

opEvents 4.0.2   (Release Notes)

opHA 3.3.0   (Release Notes)

opReports 4.2.1   (Release Notes)

opAddress 2.0.1   (Release Notes)

opEvents-4.0.2 includes our realtime events view. Please see:

Single Server Application SSO is enabled.
NMIS9 processes Cisco syslog.
SNMP trap events are processed by NMIS9 and reflect in opEvents as well.

Installation notes

Please read Opmantek Virtual Machine: Installation and Getting Started

Release 14 July 2021

The latest update to the Opmantek Virtual Appliance was released 14 July 2021 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/Opmantek-20210712-VM9-Centos7.2009-64bit.ova
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


The OS is Centos 7.2009
NMIS 9.2.3
Open-AudIT 4.1.2

opCharts 4.2.4

opConfig 4.2.2

opEvents 4.0.1

opHA 3.3.0

opReports 4.2.1

opAddress 2.0.1

opEvents-4.0.1 includes our realtime events view. Please see:

Single Server Application SSO is enabled.
NMIS9 processes Cisco syslog.
SNMP trap events are processed by NMIS9 and reflect in opEvents as well.

Installation notes

Please read Opmantek Virtual Appliance: Installation and Getting Started.

Release 14 January 2021

The latest update to the Opmantek Virtual Appliance was released 14 January 2021 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/Opmantek-20210112-VM9-Centos7.2009-64bit.ova
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


The OS is Centos 7.2009
NMIS 9.1.1
Open-AudIT Enterprise 4.0.2
opCharts 4.2.1
opConfig 4.2.1
opEvents 3.2.2
opHA 3.2.0
opReports 4.2.0
opAddress 2.0.1

Single Server Application SSO is enabled.
NMIS9 processes Cisco syslog.
SNMP trap events are processed by NMIS9 and reflect in opEvents as well.

Installation notes

Please read Opmantek Virtual Appliance: Installation and Getting Started.

Release 01 October 2020

The latest update to the Opmantek Virtual Appliance was released 01 October 2020 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/Opmantek-20201001-VM9-Centos7.2003-2-64bit.ova.
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.

This Opmantek Virtual Appliance incorporates Opmantek's latest and fastest platform.

Release 22 August 2020

The latest update to the Opmantek Virtual Appliance was released 22 August 2020 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/Opmantek-20200822-VM9-Centos7.2003-2-64bit.ova.
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


The OS is Centos 7.2003
NMIS 9.1.0
Open-AudIT Enterprise 4.0.2
opCharts 4.1.3

opConfig 4.1.1

opEvents 3.1.0

opHA 3.1.2

opReports 4.1.1

Installation notes

Please read Opmantek Virtual Appliance: Installation and Getting Started.

Release 31 July 2020

The latest update to the Opmantek Virtual Appliance was released 31 July 2020 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/Opmantek-20200731-VM9-Centos7.2003-2-64bit.ova.
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


On Centos7 please update Data::Dumper with these commands:

  • For Debian and Ubuntu:
    • sudo apt-get install -y libtest-simple-perl;
    • sudo cpanm Data::Dumper --sudo;
  • For Centos and Redhat:
    • sudo yum install -y perl-Test-Simple;
    • sudo cpanm Data::Dumper --sudo;

You may need to revert node_name_rule in /path/to/nmis9/conf/Config.nmis to the default:

  • 'node_name_rule' => qr/^[a-zA-Z0-9_. -]+$/


The OS is Centos 7.2003
NMIS 9.10
opCharts 4.1.2

opConfig 4.1.1

opEvents 3.1.0

opHA 3.1.2

opReports 4.1.1

Installation notes

Please read Opmantek Virtual Machine: Installation and Getting Started.

Release 8 July 2020

The most recent update to the Opmantek Virtual Appliance was released 8 July 2020 and can be downloaded here: https://dl-nmis.opmantek.com/Opmantek-20200708-VM9-Centos7.2003-64bit.ova.
Installation and general use are described in more detail on the Getting Started page.


The OS is Centos 7.2003
NMIS 9.10
opCharts 4.1.1
opConfig 4.1.0
opHA 3.1.2
opReports 4.1.0

Installation Notes

When importing this OVA into VMWare Player, VMWare Workstation or VMWare Fusion you may encounter the following prompt:

  • The import failed because Opmantek-20200708-VM9-Centos7.2003-64bit.ova did not pass OVF specification conformance or virtual hardware compliance checks.
    Click Retry to relax OVF specification and virtual hardware compliance checks and try the import again,
    or click Cancel to cancel the import. If you retry the import, you might not be able to use the virtual machine in VMware Player.

if you then click "Retry" the import should complete successfully without issue.

For further installation instructions, please read:
Opmantek Virtual Machine: Installation and Getting Started

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